Key People
Acts & Laws
Key Events

Name the Term: The belief that it was America’s right and duty to spread across the North American continent.

What is Manifest Destiny?


This person was a chief of the Nez Perce who fought against the government and U.S. army for the rights of his people.

Who was Chief Jospeh?


This act 1862 law that offered farmers 160 acres of public land in the West for free as long as they cleared the land and farmed it for five years.

What was the Homestead Act?


This event marked the founding of gold in this state and the flood of people who went there to become rich.

What was the California Gold Rush?


These were African-American migrants from the South who hoped to escape the harsh discrimination of the South and find freedom and opportunity in the West.

Who were Exodusters?


Name the Term: An area of land set aside by the federal government for the use of an American Indian tribe.

What are Reservations?


This man was the 16th President of the United States and was known for the Emancipation Proclamation which freed all enslaved people in the United States. 

Who was Abraham Lincoln?


This 1862 law that called for the construction of a transcontinental railroad and provided subsidies in the form of free land for the companies who built the railroad

What was the Pacific Railway Act?


To try and escape the US Army and Government, Chief Joseph and his tribe made this extremely long and dangerous journey. 

What was the Flight of the Nez Perce?


Name the two railways that connected to create the Transcontinental Railroad.

What are the Union Pacific Railway & Central Pacific Railway


Name the Term: A railroad that crosses the United States.

What is the Transcontinental Railroad?


This person was a chief of Sioux People of the Great Plains. He was known for fighting back against white settlement on his peoples' land during the 1870s.

Who was Crazy Horse?


This series of laws enforced segregation of blacks and whites in the South after the Civil War.

What were the Jim Crow Laws?

By 1880 the buffalo population of the American West had all but vanished as a result of western settlement and overhunting by white settlers. As the most sacred resource of the Indigenous People of the West, this destruction was devastating.

What was the Buffalo Extermination?


These deserted town would appear after the mines they were built around, no longer produced easy to find gold and silver.

What are Ghost Towns?


Name the TermL An attitude of resentment and superiority toward foreign-born people.

What is Nativism?


This person was a Black leader and businessman who promoted Kansas as a destination for African-American migrants from the South. Adams was a former slave and Union soldier during the Civil War.

Who was Henry Adams?


This 1882 law  banned Chinese laborers from immigrating to the United States and prevented Chinese immigrants already in the United States from becoming citizens.

What was the Chinese Exclusion Act?


The battle during which several thousand Sioux and Cheyenne Native Americans defeated the U.S. Army led by General William Custer following white settler encroachment in the Black Hills, an ancestral land promised to both the Cheyenne and Sioux.

What was the Battle of Little Big Horn?


These were mining camps that grew into towns seemingly overnight following the discovery of gold or silver. These towns had no government, law, and little order. Crimes like murder and robbery were common.

What were Boomtowns?


Name the Term: Tension between the North and South leading up to the Civil War. One major cause was whether or not slavery should expand into the western territories. The North wanted to territories to be free, while the South wanted slaver to be legal there.

What is Sectionalism?


This person was a Black leader and businessman who promoted Kansas as a destination for African-American migrants from the South. Singleton helped establish several black “colonies” in Kansas.

Who was Benjamin “Pap” Singleton?


This 1887 law eliminated communally held land by Native Americans and divided reservations into individual land plots.

What was the Dawes Act?


1879 migration of 20,000 Southern African-Americans to Kansas. The migrants looked for freedom and opportunity in the West and to escape harsh discrimination in the Jim Crow South.

What was the Black Exodus?


Random Trivia: This foreign game company was founded in 1889. During this time they made and sold playing cards.

What is Nintendo?