Westward Expansion
Westward Expansion
Westward Expansion
Westward Expansion
Westward Expansion

The U.S. President that would not enforce Worcester vs. GA ruling, and signed the Indian Removal Act of 1830.

Who is Andrew Jackson.


The Creek Chief that ceded remaining Creek land to GA in the Treaty of Indian Springs. 

Who is Chief William McIntosh.


The first Gold Rush in the nation (1829). The Gold Rush brought thousands of settlers to Cherokee territory. Led to the Indian Removal Act.

What is the Dahlonega Gold Rush.


The land that belonged to the Cherokee Nation. 

What is North Georgia.

The Supreme Court Chief Justice that ruled in favor of the Cherokee in Worcester vs. GA. 

Who is John Marshall.


The forced removal of 15,000 Cherokee to present day Oklahoma.

What is the Trial of Tears.

The Cherokee Chief that used legal means to try and protect Cherokee land. 

Who is John Ross.


The adoption of the culture of another group. 

What is assimilation.


The first public university established by a state government (1785). 

What is the University of Georgia.


The new method of transporting people and goods quickly.  The method helped move America west and caused the growth of many cities. 

What is railroads. 


The system of land distribution to give people equal chances to win land in Georgia. 

What is the land lottery.


The machine invented by Eli Whitney that cleaned seeds out of cotton efficiently, making cotton King.

What is the Cotton Gin. 


The acronym illustrating the movement of GA's capital westward to meet the needs of the people.

What is SALMA.


The Creek Territory that would eventually all be ceded to Georgia. 

What is Muscogee Creek.


The word ceded means: 

What is to give up power or territory. 


The acronym SALMA illustrates the movement of GA's capital westward to meet the needs of the people. 

The acronym SALMA stands for: 

What is Savannah, Augusta, Lewisville, Milledgeville, and Atlanta.


The attempt by Georgia to grow the population through the promise of free land. 

What is the Headright System.


The Government deception that led to GA selling land that is present day Alabama and Mississippi. This made the Chattahoochee River GA's western border.

What is the Yazoo Land Fraud.


The end of Western and Atlantic Railroad.  It eventually grew into Atlanta for it's rail location. The nickname is: 

What is Terminus.


The 3 reasons for removal of the Creek Indians from their land in GA. 

What is Assimilation, Western and Southern GA., and Chief William McIntosh. 

Did Jon Van Buren speak English or Dutch at home?

What is Dutch?


This branch of government makes the laws.

What is Legislative?


This branch of government enforces the laws.

What is executive?


This branch of government interprets the law.

What is Judicial?


The legislative and executive branch of government has more power than the judicial branch of government. 

True or False?

What is false?