In what year did the Mexican-American War start?
What was the name of the trail to find a new life in the northwest?
Oregon Trail
What territory was bought from France that doubled the size of the US?
Louisiana Purchase
What was name for those who came to California in search of gold?
What was the name of the general who led Mexico during the revolution?
Santa Anna
What river in Texas did the US claim was the border between the United States and Mexico?
Rio Grande
What group of people moved to Utah for religious reasons?
What area was gained from the Adams-Onis Treaty?
In what year was gold originally discovered in California?
What was the name of the famous battle of the Texas Revolution that became a rally cry for the Texans?
The Alamo
What was the name of the land that we acquired from Mexico?
Mexican Cession
What was the phrase used to express our desire to add Oregon to the US?
Fifty Four Forty or Fight!
What land was annexed after about 10 years of being a new nation?
What is the 19th Century American term that stated it was obvious fate to occupy & bring democracy across the North American continent?
Manifest Destiny
What battle gave Texas its independence from Mexico?
San Jacinto
What document signaled the end of the Mexican War?
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
What was the term used for people who traveled along the trails to the west?
What territory was set at the US border at the 49°N parallel?
What year did California become a state?
Who was the 1st president of the Republic of Texas?
Sam Houston
What were the 5 states we received as a result of the war?
California, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Nevada
Where was the starting point for the Oregon Trail?
Independence, Missouri
Which country did the US negotiate with for the Gadsden Purchase?
Which nationality had their first legal immigrants in America during the Gold Rush?
Chinese People
What were the 3 rules Mexico made that you had to follow in order to come to Texas?
Learn and speak Spanish, become Catholic, and swear loyalty to Mexico.