Which of these plants does NOT grow in the wetlands: water lillies, coontails, and alfalfa
what is the smallest animal in wetlands: zooplankton microplankton or a capybara
name one wetland threat like man-made or natural threats? which one is the one I chose
man-made :3
What are wetlands?:are wetlands ecosystems that are wet and provide habitats for many types of plants and animals or dry open lands with a little amount of plants and water
the true answer: ecosystems that are wet and provide habitats for many types of plants and animals
which fun fact is true about wetlands: bears eat frogs or salmon eat cattails
bears eat frogs
What plant flouts at the surface of the water: water lilies, coontails, sawgrass, cattails
water lilies
do American Alligators eat racoons?
yes they do
what animal is affected most: plants consumers or decomposers
consumers are affeted most
which of these facts are true about wetlands landscapes: wetlands have lots of water in them, wetlands have lots of plants in them, or they have little animals in them
*hint more than one of these are true
wetlands have lots of water in them, and wetlands have lots of plants in them
which one is right: Wetlands are nature's filters or wetlands are not nature's filters
Wetlands are nature's filters
what is the most dangerous plant in wetlands: water hemlock, poison sumac, or poison hemlock
water hemlock
what is the biggest animal in the wetlands: capybara, hippo or American alligator
the most dangerous threats to wetlands pick one: drainage and filling for development, or agricultural runoff and urban waste
drainage and filling for development
which fun fact is true: Wetlands act like sponges, absorbing excess water from heavy rains and reducing flooding or wetlands are not Wetlands act like sponges, absorbing excess water from heavy rains and reducing flooding
wetlands are Wetlands act like sponges, absorbing excess water from heavy rains and reducing flooding
how many types of plants live in wetlands: 11 20 12
What are the most common types of wetland animals: birds like ducks, geese, herons, and sandpipers,
What is the most common threats to wetland animals: habitat loss due to development, or pollution from agricultural runoff and industrial waste
habitat loss due to development
which fun fact is true: Wetlands provide a home for many species including carp or Wetlands provide a home for many species not including carp
Wetlands provide a home for many species not including carp
what plant gets eaten the most in wetlands?: bulrush, Pacific pickleweed, or rice.
what is the apex predator in wetlands?: American Alligator, herons, or shoe bills.
American Alligator
what is the fastest way to pollute wetlands: Runoff from hard surfaces like concrete or habitat loss due to developememt