European Feudalism
Japanese Feudalism

What mathematical concept did the Maya create?

The concept of zero


Did all Aztec children go to school?

Yes. All Aztec children were required by law to attend school. This even included slaves and girls, which was unique for this time in history. 


True or False: The Incas lived in the mountains

True! They had to build aqueducts to irrigate their crops


True or False: The consequences for disobeying laws in medieval Europe were lenient (less strict)

False - if someone disobeyed a law, they could be publicly humiliated, burned, tortured


What is a samurai?

Japanese warriors/military (similar to the European knight). They practiced seppuku-a ritualistic suicide


What is the name of the ancient Mayan ball game?

Pok a Tok


What is the capital city of the Aztec empire?



What is the Sapa Inca?

 The emperor or king of the Inca Empire was called the Sapa Inca, which means "sole ruler."


What was the Catholic Church's role in medieval Europe?

Since the Church was wealthy, they participated in the feudal system


Why did the Emperor not have as much power?

He was simply a figurehead. A "puppet figure"


What was the most important crop for the Mayan people?

Maize (corn)


What are chinampas?

An artificial island that the Aztecs used to plant their crops. Also called "floating islands"


What is the capital city of the Inca Empire?


What role did the Catholic Church play in the feudal system?

The Church was very wealthy and owned lots of land. Within the feudal system, high church officials (pope, cardinals, bishops, etc.) rented out land to those underneath them. 


Why did peasants have more status than merchants?

They provided food for all of Japan so Japan gave them more value than merchants-people who simply provided a good (something less necessary than food)


Why did the Mayans study astronomy?

They believed that they could read the actions of the gods in the suns, stars, and planets.


What is an aqueduct?

A manmade channel for moving water. The Aztecs built two large aqueducts that carried fresh water from springs located over two and a half miles away


What are quipus (kee-poos)?

Knotted cords used by the Incas as a recording device. The color, knot placement, and type of cord would indicate the different types of records: birth, death, and property records.


Describe the European feudal system in a few sentences.

A system where the landholding wealthy rented their land to tenants without it. To pay for their rent, these tenants would either provide a service or labor.


What are two similarities between Japanese feudalism and European feudalism?

Answers will vary


How was life different for Mayan women and Mayan men? What different roles did they have?

At the start of the day, the wife would get up early and start a fire for cooking. Then the husband would leave to go work at the fields. The men spent evenings working on crafts such as tools, while the women wove cloth to make clothing.


What is the one time forgiveness law?

Under this law, a citizen could confess a crime to a priest and they would be forgiven. This only worked if they confessed the crime prior to being caught. It also could only be used once.


What is the Mit'a system?

A state-run mandatory labor system used by the Inca to create roads, temples, bridges, etc.


What is Common Land?

The name for the land that peasants “rented” and worked on


What are the Taika Reforms?

When Japan adopted Chinese culture, administration, writing, Confucianism, diet, architecture, etc