Medieval / Renaissance
The Muslim World

Possible rewards that might come from exploring new lands which are called this on old maps

3 G's God, Gold, Glory: gold, resources (trees, land), power, influence, spread Christianity to the lost. 

What is the Great Unknown?


During this time period, Europe suffered from war and plague causing people to question institutions like church and government because they were unable to prevent suffering. Those who survived wanted to celebrate ________and the human _________. This came to be known as what?

What is life, spirit and rebirth?


This is the city and country Columbus was from and this is the country who funded his voyage

Where is Genoa, Italy. And what was Spain?


The tomb built by this man for his wife is considered one of 7 of these and is located in this country

What is the Taj Mahal and who was Shah Jahan. What is one of the Wonders of the World which is located in India?


This king from this country wanted to start a colony in North America. !00 London investors settled in this place they called ________________which is in present day _______________. 

Who was King James of England who wanted to start a colony called Jamestown in present day Virginia? 


Things explorers are seeking

What are new trade routes to find silk and spices?


This movement that started in this country and caused an explosion of what?

Where is Italy and what is art, writing, and ideas?


This is the place Columbus was looking for but this is the place where he thought he had landed.

What are the East Indies and what are the West Indies?


Four important Empires

What was the Ottoman, Persian, Mongolian and Safavid empires?


The global transfer of foods, plants, and animals during the colonization of the Americas 

What was the Columbian Exchange?


These factors enabled sailors to explore parts of the world. 

What was the technology of building small, fast ships called caravels?


Patrons of the Arts Church leaders during the Renaissance beautified Rome and other cities by spending huge amounts of money for art. Name one very well known family who were patrons of art in Italy

Who were patrons? 

Who were the Medici Family?


The rulers of Spain who Columbus asked to fund his voyage

Who were King Ferdinand and Queen Isabelle?


The first ghazi was Oshman. His followers came to be known as this and then his son was the next leader was his son by this name. This guy was strong enough to declare himself to be the what?

Who were the Ottomans' and who was Oshman's son Orkham? What is a sultan?


The need for cheap labor to work crops like those of ___________and __________brought 300,000 ______to North America between these years.

What are tobacco and sugar plantations and who were the slaves brought between 1500 - 1600?

The explorer who had a strait named after him when he circumnavigated the globe going around the tip of this continent in this year for this country.

Who was Ferdinand Magellan, in 1542 around South America sailing for Portugal. 


The continent of the Renaissance and 3 Italian and 1 northern Renaissance artists and their works or art

Where is Europe and who were Raphael (the School of Athens), Michaelangelo (the statue of David), Leonardo da Vinci (The Mona Lisa)

Northern Renaissance   - Pieter Breugel the Elder


This is where Columbus got his crew and the name of his three ships

What are prisoners and the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria?


This guy was one of the greatest lawgivers ranking right up there with Moses and Thomas Jefferson.

Here are some of his laws: 

Who was Suleyman?

What are penalties for criminal acts, reducing bribes, no imprisonment without a trial, promotions given for merit?


The country that sent technology to Japan like clocks, eyeglasses, tobacco and finally these kinds of weapons which forever changed  the time honored tradition of this kind of warrior who used this kind of weapon.

What are firearms, cannons and the Samurai and his sword?


This explorer came before the "age of exploration", was from China, and built a "fleet" by this name in this year.

Who was Zheng He sailing the Treasure Fleet in 1405?


The period when Queen Elizabeth reigned, the playwright who gave us 1700 words and phrases, the inventor of the printing press, and the man who nailed his 95 theses. 

What was the Elizabethan Era

Who was William Shakespeare, Johann Gutenburg, and Martin Luther?


This is what Christopher Columbus said when he claimed the islands for Spain. 

By the grace of God in the name of the precious Majesties of Castille by all the powers vested in me I claim this island and name it San Salvador


Akbar's religion which offended the Muslims?

Akbar's grandson who built the Taj Mahal

...and his son who imprisoned him so he had to view his wife's tomb from the nearby fort.

What was the Divine Faith?

Who was Shah Jahan?

Who was his son Arangzeb?


The spice islands are located in this geographical area growing spices like these sought after for this reason. Even Marco Polo went along this overland road to this place seeking silks and spices when he was taken in by this man for this number of years and his family back in this country thought he was dead. 

Where are the island below China. What are spices like pepper, cinnamon, nutmeg used to flavor bland food and mask the smell of rotting meat? Where is the Silk road and who was Kubla Khan who kept Marco Polo for 17 years and where is his family in Italy?