Industrial Revolution
WW1/Between the Wars
WW2 / Cold War
Double I
Early machines were located near rivers and streams for this reason.
Early machines ran off of water power.
Social Darwinism, imperialism, competition for natural resources, empire building, Berlin Conference. These words are all describing which event?
What is The Scramble for Africa?
Because of this, Germany had to take full blame for WW1 and pay millions in reparations.
What is the Treaty of Versailles?
After meeting in Munich, Britain and France initially decided to apply this policy to Hitler and his desire to expand Germany's rule.
What is the policy of appeasement?
Thanks to the support of the USA, this Jewish homeland is safe in the middle of the Muslim world.
What is Israel?
An abundance of labor, natural resources, and capital (money) for investment made this place perfect for starting the Industrial Revolution.
What is London (Great Britain)? (In the mid-1700's)
Guam, Puerto Rico, Philippines, and briefly Cuba, all became US territories due to this event.
What is the US winning the Spanish-American War?
Europeans lost faith in democracy and looked to strong, non-democratic leaders to guide them due to this event.
What is America's Great Depression?
Detente and SALT both limited the amount of these in the USA and USSR in the 1970's.
What is nuclear weapons?
The ________ War was caused by Iraq's invasion of Kuwait.
What is the Gulf War?
During the Industrial Revolution, people moved to __________s to work in ________________s.
What is "...people moved to cities to work in factories."
This is the Meiji Restoration.
What is the time period when Japan adopted Western culture?
Because Czar Nikolas refused to help his suffering citizens after WW1, this man and this group led the Russia Revolution.
Who is Vladimir Lenin and the Bolsheviks?
This is the United States’ post-World War II military alliance against communism in Europe.
What is NATO?
This is why the US wanted to acquire Hawaii.
What is Hawaii's sugar cane?
With time, the Industrial Revolution brought better working conditions, higher wages, and better educational opportunities. However, the one thing the Industrial Revolution destroyed was...
What is the environment?
Because it was the most valuable of all of Britain’s colonies, _____________ was known as the Jewel in the Crown.
What is India?
Heavy casualties, small amounts of land gained, constant defensive stance. All of these describe which style of fighting?
What is trench warfare?
Decisions to divide Germany and Europe among the Allied powers were made by the Big Three at this WW2 conference.
What is the Yalta Conference?
President Reagan was to the USA in the 1980's and early 1990's as __________________ was to the USSR in the 1980's and early 1990's. (He was the LAST Communist leader!)
Who is Mikail Gorbachev?
Seeing that slavery was hurting the progress made by the Industrial Revolution, this man petitioned to end slavery in Britain.
Who is William Wilberforce?
What did Otto von Bismark desire to do?
Bismark desired to united all the German states into one German nation.
Which country started WW1 by declaring war? Why did they declare war on this country?
Austria-Hungary started WW1 by declaring war on Serbia; A-H did this because a Serbian killed A-H's archduke.
The Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan were both intended to contain _________________ by financially supporting _____________ _____________.
Communism; Western Europe
Chinese students protesting for democracy and civil rights were killed by the Chinese government during this event.
What is the Tienanmen Square Massacre?