Who to Ask for Help
What to Do
Where to Get Supplies
When to Seek Help
How to Prevent Injuries

This person can help you if you feel sick while at home.

Who is a family member or roommate?


If you get a small cut, you should clean it and then use this.

What is a bandage?


You can find bandages and antiseptic wipes in this part of your home.

What is the first aid kit or bathroom cabinet?


If you have a cut that won’t stop bleeding, you should do this.

What is call for help or go to an urgent care?


To avoid cuts while using a knife, always do this.

What is cut away from yourself and use a cutting board?


If you are lost in a store, you can ask this person for help.

Who is a store employee?


If you burn your hand, you should do this immediately.

What is run it under cool water?


You can get an ice pack from this place in your kitchen.

What is the freezer?


You should seek help immediately if you have trouble breathing after an insect sting because it could be this.

What is an allergic reaction?


To avoid burns while cooking, always use this to handle hot items.

What is an oven mitt or potholder?


If you need help while out in your neighborhood, you can ask this person.

Who is a neighbor?


If you feel dizzy, you should do this to avoid falling.

What is sit or lie down?


You can get clean water to rinse a wound from this.

What is the sink or faucet?


If you feel very dizzy and have a headache after hitting your head, you should seek help because you might have this.

What is a concussion?


To avoid falls, keep this part of your home free of clutter.

What is the floor or walkway?


If you need medical help and no one is around, you can call this number.

What is 911?


If you see someone choking, you should ask if they need help and then do this.

What is perform the Heimlich maneuver?


You can find pain relief medicine in this place.

What is the medicine cabinet?


You should seek help if you have a high fever for more than this many days.

What is three days?


To prevent dehydration, especially on hot days, drink plenty of this.

What is water?


This person can help you if you have a medical emergency at work.

Who is a manager or supervisor?


If you find someone unconscious and not breathing, you should do this.

What is call 911 and perform CPR?


You can buy first aid supplies from this type of store.

What is a pharmacy or drugstore?


You should seek help if you have chest pain, as this could mean this serious condition.

What is a heart attack?


To avoid injuries during exercise, always do this before and after.

What is warm-up and cool-down?