Why did King James VI get to be king of England when he was from Scotland?
Because Queen Elizabeth I died and he was the closet male relative
What kind of government was in place in England after Cromwell died?
What does "No taxation without representation" mean?
No colonists were on the British government but were being taxed
What is the date of the Declaration of Independence?
July 4, 1776
Who paid the most taxes?
What fortress did the commoners storm?
The Puritans brought the Millenary Petition to the king wanting changes. Name 2 things they wanted changed.
1. Stop sign of cross in baptism
2. Stop ring of marriage
3. Stop wearing certain vestments
4. Stop abuses in church
Who was the king of England now after Cromwell died?
Charles II
What is the name of the tax on printed paper and legal documents?
Stamp Act 1765
Who led the Continental Army?
George Washington
Who were the king and queen during the French Revolution?
Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette
When did they storm the fortress?
July 14, 1789
Who came to the throne after King James VI?
His son, Charles I
Why were there religious problems while Charles II was on the throne?
Because all non-anglicans were being discriminated against
In 1770, all taxes repealed except for tax on ____?
Explain the "shot heard around the world."
1775, the British and colonists met, a shot was fired, a war was started...8 colonists dead
Name who was in the 3 estates.
How many governments were formed during the French Revolution?
Why did King Charles I dismiss the Parliament for 10 years?
Arguments over religion, money, and civil rights
What are then names of the appointed King and Queen of England that were on the throne because of the bloodless coup?
William III and Mary
What did the king do to the port after the Boston Tea Party?
Closed it
Which ammendment says, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."
80% of French people made a living doing what?
Who became the voice for the poor before and during the French Revolution and was eventually beheaded
Parliament now in control of government after 20 years with Charles I. What is one change they asked for?
1. Do away with Star Chamber
2. Triennal Acts: Parliament must be called every 3 years and not dismissed without its consent
What is another name for the French and Indian War?
- In the United States it’s called The French and Indian War.
- The Prussians called it the Third Silesian War.
- The Swedes called it the Pomeranian War.
Who taught at Princeton where he taught future presidents and vice presidents of the USA, was a founding father of the US, and a signer of the Declaration of Independence?
John Witherspoon
When did the First Continental Congress meet?
September 1774
Why was France in a bad state economically; in debt?
Had been in 2 wars
The commoners of France organized themselves into a group called the __________.
National Assembly