The Renaissance
The Reformation
The Columbian Exchange
Exploration of the Americas

_________, the belief in only ONE God is a main attribute in Christianity, Judaism, and Islam

What is monotheism


The word “renaissance” means _______ and was used to describe this period because of the resurgence of ancient Greek and Roman culture

What is rebirth


This individual protested the Catholic Church by nailing the 95 Theses to the church door.

Who is Martin Luther


Fish, squash, turkey, peanuts, and pumpkins are founded in this land

What is the New World?


These three things are the reasons that Europeans explored and colonized the Americas

What are gold, glory, and God?


This religion believes in predestination, the idea that everything has already been determined by God.

What is Calvinism


This Renaissance painter is known for his work on the Mona Lisa, The Last Supper, and the Vitruvian Man

Who is Leonardo da Vinci


He was the head of the Church of England

Who is King Henry VIII


This passage brought Africans to the Americas between the 1500s and 1800s.

What is the Middle Passage


In search of the Fountain of Youth, this Spanish explorer was the first European to the mainland of the United States

Who is Juan Ponce de Leon


This polytheistic religion believes in the idea of karma and reincarnation.

What is Hinduism


The attention in the classical world and studies, concentrating less on religion and more on what it is to be human are characteristics of this.

What is Humanism


The paying for forgiveness or pardons of sins is known as this

What are indulgences


The Americas, Europe, and Africa were all part of this trade.

What is the Triangle of Trade


North and South America is named in honor of this Italian navigator and explorer.

Who is Amerigo Vespucci


This religion practices The Five Pillars: the profession of faith, prayer, alms, fasting, and pilgrimage.

What is Islam


Michelangelo, a fellow painter of the Renaissance and a former member of the Ninja Turtles, painted the ceiling of this beautiful architecture.

What is the Sistine Chapel


Between 1545 and 1563, this meeting was held and determined that anything the church says is right.

What is The Council of Trent


_________ is an economic theory where the mother country gains power by building wealth through its colonies.

What is mercantilism


The conquistador Francisco Pizarro defeated and conquered this civilization in Peru.

What is the Inca Empire


The Reformation refers to the change where this religious branch broke off of the Roman Catholic Church.

What is Protestantism


A person who supports artists or writers with money, influence, or gifts

What is a patron


Corruption in the church, the selling of indulgences, and the Renaissance are causes of this movement.

What is the Reformation                  


The Spanish Crown established this system where it rewarded conquistadors and colonists with land and labor (often enslaved Natives) in the New World.

What is the Encomienda System


In 1521, this conquistador conquered the Aztec Empire and claimed Mexico for Spain.

Who is Hernan Cortes