Guillotine-age Wasteland
Quit Crowning Around
Early Bird Gets the Term
Poorly Explained Movie Plots

This English philosopher came up the idea of natural rights, including the right to life, liberty and property. 

John Locke 


The French monarch was King of France during the outbreak of the French Revolution.

Louis XVI


French monarch known as the Sun King 

Louis XIV


This war, fought between 1775 and 1783, resulted in the Thirteen Colonies gaining independence from Great Britain and the creation of the United States of America.

The American Revolution 


Nine friends spend 9 hours trying to return a piece of jewelry. 

The Lord of the Rings 


This era in the late late 17th and 18th century emphasized reason and science over the tradition of religion. 

The Enlightenment 


This building was stormed on July 14th, 1789, symbolizing the start of the French Revolution. 

The Bastille 


Russian ruler modernized his country by reforming the military, building a navy, and founding the city of St. Petersburg in 1703.

Peter the Great 


This conflict, fought from 1754 to 1763, was part of the larger Seven Years' War and saw British forces, along with their Native American allies, battling the French and their own Native American allies in North America.

French and Indian War 


A bunch of people decide to take the ice bucket challenge while on a cruise. 



This French philosopher believed a government's power should be separated into three branches that can check each other's power. 



French general who orchestrated a coup coup d'etat in 1799, taking control of France as a military dictator. Crowned himself France's first emperor in 1804. 

Napoleon Bonaparte 


This 18th-century empress, originally from Germany, overthrew her husband to rule Russia, expanded the empire, and promoted Enlightenment ideas—earning her the title "the Great."

Catherine the Great 


Signed in 1215 by King John of England, this document limited the power of the monarchy and established certain legal rights for nobles, often seen as a foundational step toward constitutional law.

Magna Carta 


Billionaire cosplays at night and gets terrorized by a clown 

The Dark Knight 


This Scottish philosopher and economist, known as the "Father of Economics," wrote The Wealth of Nations in 1776, laying the foundation for free-market capitalism.

Adam Smith 


This was the home of the French monarch and his family.

Palace of Versailles 


This Prussian king modernized his country’s bureaucracy, promoted religious tolerance, and expanded his empire, all while maintaining an iron grip on power.  

Frederick the Great


This system of government involves a monarch who acts as head of state within the parameters of a constitution, limiting their powers and often sharing authority with an elected body or parliament.

constitutional monarchy 


A man gets mad after being denied a promotion at work and ruins the whole galaxy. 

Star Wars Revenge of the Sith 


This French writer and philosopher, famous  for his wit and his criticism of Christianity and of slavery, was an advocate of freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and separation of church and state. 



n 1789, members of the Third Estate swore this historic oath, vowing not to disband until they had created a new constitution for France.

Tennis Court Oath 


Queen of France and wife of Louis XVI

Marie Antoinette 


This amendment to the American Bill of Rights guarantees the right to a speedy and public trial, an impartial jury, and the right to counsel for those accused of a crime.

The Sixth Amendment 


Man plays virtual reality to catfish a lady on a different planet. 
