This is what a trainer should accentuate
What is the positive?
Praise progress, it's a _______.
Moving Target
Finding out what ______ people is important.
What was something Joy noticed that was important in using whale done?
It never hurts to _____ your own horn once in a while.
The more attention you pay to a behavior, the more it will be
These are the ABC's of performance
What is activator, behavior, consequence
"The point of good management is to influence people to do the right thing when ________.
You're not around.
If we're not having _____, if our people aren't having _____-then forget it.
If you don't hire people on a performance review curve, why ______?
It takes a long time to build these two things with each of the whales
Trust and Friendship
This is how fast you should praise people when they do something correct
Whale done only works when ______
you're sincere and honest.
____ your team's reaction and be honest with them
What was the result of Wes bringing Whale Done into his work?
His boss Meredith saw the benefit and encouraged Wes to keep using it. The overall staff increased their performance.
When mistakes occur, redirect
The energy
For redirection response, go over the task ______
In detail
"Dave told me, the basis of everything they do with the animals is the principle of _______"
No Harm
Joy hadn't anticipated a change in _____ behavior to bring about a desired change in ____.
Her, his.
How did using Whale done improve Joy and Wes's relationship?
Motivated them to see and notice the positive in each other. Overall it created a more positive relationship.
"As I worked with im, it became clear that I couldn't train him until he was convinced of my _____"
These are the four kinds of consequences
No Response, Negative Response, Redirection, Positive Response
Describe using whale done with a kidz gym versus a power tumbling silver class
Behavior of the child and expectations
Focusing on the positive behavior has what result?
building trust and a fun loving environment.
" . . .but you have to trust that if you and your people really get with it, and cheer each other on in a _________ way, your numbers will speak for themselves.
Non Competitive