All Things SAP
Customer Scenarios
Systems 2.0

We should all be your favorites in SAP.

What is VA01, VA02, VA03, VA05, VK33, CS03, CO09, IQ03, MB52.


I house most of our product-related data and provide an interface to view this data, including viewing available product and parts inventory, looking up bill of materials, etc.

What is SAP.


I can be used to complement your knowledge, however, do not provide consumers with information obtained through me.

What is Google.


I provide 24X7 multilingual support in over 150 languages and the ability to connect to an interpreter on average in 15 seconds or less.

What is Voiance.


I am a CRM (Consumer Relationship Management) application which we use to create cases for each consumer interaction. With me we can group all customer touchpoints under a digital folder called “ticket."

What is Zendesk.

I am an integrated and centralized data management application.

SAP (Systems, Applications, Products in Data Processing).


I am a multi-platform communication tool which we utilize to manage calls with consumers.

What is Talkdesk.


I am a sales documents that precedes the customer credit note.

What is a Credit Memo.


I am used when a customer requests for authorization to destroy materials in the field for credit.

What is Destroy in Field (DIF).


I am a product catalog where you can find specs on parts and products.

What is Salsify or Phil 2.0.


You can look up a price without having to create a new order by using me.

What is VK33.


We are used for spreadsheets, documents, and other applications.

What is Office 365 and OneDrive.


I have an outstanding assortment of self-help videos and articles that you can explore.

What is Park Tool.


I am a third-party website that is widely known and used in the bicycle industry that can help your customers.

What is Park Tool.


I am the video conferencing tool that the company primarily uses.

What is Teams.


We can be used to find a tracking number.

What is A02 and VA03.


I am a web-based repository we utilize to house detailed information on parts and products.

What is Widen (aka DAM).


I am used to place orders to fulfill Warranty and Goodwill Obligations. I am also used to view and update orders.

What is SAP.


I am used when a customer contacts us to order replacement parts or is in need of a replacement unit under the manufacturer’s warranty.

What is Charge Warranty Order.


I am used to ask a quick question or meet via Video or Voice conference.

What is Teams.


I am used to look up pricing and you only have to add the material number to get what you are seeking.

What is VK33 Condition Maintenance: Display.


I should be used every call to make sure the information you provide is up to date.

What is PCG Agent Knowledgebase.


I am a unique sales order type that is created that is non-billing relevant.

What is Free of Charge Delivery.


I am used when customer refuses or returns an item sent out on a warranty free of charge (ZD) or free of charge (ZS) order.

What is No Charge Return Credits.


I am used when a customer contacts the cash applications clerk or the credit analyst to request credit card payment on their account.

What is Credit Card Payment in ZPMPAY.