What is the the boy wearing on his legs?
The boy is wearing jeans on his legs
What is the elephant wearing?
The elephant is wearing socks!
What colour shirt/dress are you wearing?
I am wearing a _____shirt.
What am I wearing?
I am wearing a pink dress, a blue t-shirt and blue shoes.
What colour jacket am I wearing?
I am wearing a red jacket.
There is no question.
Zero points
What is the girl wearing on her head?
The girl is wearing a cap on her head.
What is he wearing?
He is wearing a blue t-shirt, blue shorts and red shoes.
There is no question!
No points. Sorry
What is the kangaroo wearing?
The kangaroo is wearing a dress.
What is the girl wearing on her legs?
The girl is wearing trousers/pants on her legs.
What is Elsa wearing?
She is wearing a blue dress, a light top and blue boots.
What am I wearing on my head?
I am wearing a hat on my head.
What is the penguin wearing on his head?
The penguin is wearing a hat on his head.
There is no question!!
Nil points
What is Squidward wearing?
Squidward is wearing a red sweater, blue jeans and 4 shoes.