20 percent of all Minneapolis Public Schoolchildren fall into this category that has far reaching effects on literacy.
What is ELL or English Language Learner?
This common and pleasurable activity is one of the most powerful ways of introducing literacy to young children.
What is Reading to them?
Through ________ students and teachers can talk about and through human differences and to talk about topics that relate to issues of diversity.
What is multicultural literature?
Providing students a variety of ________ fosters engagement.
What is Choices?
Peers can help engagement in literature by any of these multiple ways.
What is create study groups, ask questions in class, lead by example, help out a struggling peer, and show respect to people of different and varied backgrounds?
The largest ethnic group in Minneapolis Public Schools is this minority group.
What is Black?
This activity closely related to drawing strengthens children's connections to literacy and establishes neural pathways that will aid in the teaching of literacy.
What is Play Writing?
This classroom feature is important because it lets students choose books that they have an interest in and it allows them to use reading to make connections to their daily lives.
What is a Classroom Library?
Engagement and quality come naturally from one or more of these basic needs.
What is Survival, Love, Power, Fun and Freedom?
Using this network researchers have found that Vietnamese Immigrant students have excelled at learning English.
What is a Peer Network
This South-East twin cities suburb has 8.9 percent of their children on free and reduced lunch as opposed to the 65.5 percent you will see in the city of Minneapolis.
Where is Edina?
This is the most important word a child will learn and is likely to be the first word a child will learn to recognize and spell.
What is Their Name?
These materials must be easily accessible to children. Children love to draw pictures and write their names on things and express themselves and by promoting and encouraging children it gives them confidence to explore literacy.
What is writing materials?
The practice of reading repetitive stories, chants, poems, or songs often in enlarged text while the class follows along or joins in.
What is Shared Reading?
Having students critique and complement each others writing work is a beneficial activity in the pursuit of literacy.
What is Peer Tutoring?
This three tier model is the most popular approach to Literacy (80%, 15% 5%).
What is RTI (Reading to Intervention)?
At 36 months the amount a vocabulary a child knows varies from 500 words to 1100 depending on what factor.
What is Social Status?
You need to create a classroom environment rich in this. When you set up your classroom you must include labels and name tags. Make sure that you use pictures in association with this in order to create associations.
What is Print or Written Words?
The concept that students should be involved in all phases of the evaluation process and take responsibility for assessing their own work.
What is Self Evaluation?
Peer study groups create benefits for literacy learning.
What is helps students understanding of the materials, shares the workload, prepares you for the work world, and deepens understanding and retention of knowledge?
Over 66% percent of students are this.
What is Disengaged?
Children between the ages of 5 and 15 speak this many words a day of which 2,500 to 3,500 are different words.
What is 20,000 words?
Use books and writing materials in ____ areas of the classroom. By doing this you can make connections between literacy and other subjects.
What is All?
Procedures in which students are asked to describe the processes they are using as they engage in reading or another cognitive activity.
What are think alouds?
This peer sharing strategy involves listening to the story, repeating it back to the author, offering a comment or a question, and finally offering an affirmation.
What is Sharing the Piece?