General knowledge/riddle

What's the surah which protects you from the punishment of the grave?

Surah al Mulk


Mention a minimum of 3 miracles (does not have to be in order) of Prophet Isa (عَلَیهِ‌ السَّلام)

List of miracles:

He was a prophet from birth, he was born without a father, he spoke in the cradle, he cured the blind (with Allah’s will), the leper (with Allah’s will), he healed the dead (with Allah’s will), and turned a statue of a bird into a real bird (with Allah’s will), he had the Maidah (tablespread) sent down upon him, he prophesied the coming of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم), he is the only prophet in Jannah and is still alive.


Who was the prophet that had nobody (or almost nobody) believe from his people?

Prophet Lut (عَلَیهِ‌ السَّلام)


What is the shortest surah in the Quran?

Surah al Kawthar


What has 4 legs but cannot move?

A Table (a chair is also correct)


Who was the prophet that was thrown down a well?

Prophet Yusuf (عَلَیهِ‌ السَّلام)


Who was nicknamed the “father of the prophets”, and why?

Prophet Ibrahim, because from prophet ibrahim came a few prophets from his extended family: Prophet Ismail, and Prophet Ishaq the father of prophet Yacqub


Who was the Prophet Muhammad’s caretaker/foster mother for the first few years of his life?

Halima bint Abi Dhu'ayb Al Saadia (Halima as saadia)


What are the two dead species that we can eat dead without any sin on us?

Fish and Locusts


What is heavier, a kilogram of Feathers or a kilogram of Iron?

They're both the same/None of the above


Who is the prophet that had zamzam water gushing out under his feet?

Prophet Ismail (عَلَیهِ‌ السَّلام)


What was the age of the Prophet when he married his first wife, and what was her name?

Khadijah bint Khuwaylid, and he married her at the age of 25


What’s the name of the cave that the Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم) would take refuge in before Islam?

Cave of Hiraa


Which group of people will be in the absolute lowest level in Jahannam?

The hypocrites (munafiqoon)


What can penetrate glass, but not break it?


Who was the prophet that was nicknamed as the “father of mankind”?

Prophet Adam (عَلَیهِ‌ السَّلام)


Who is the prophet that called out to Allah and said “أَنِّى مَسَّنِىَ ٱلضُّرُّ وَأَنتَ أَرْحَمُ ٱلرَّٰحِمِينَ” ("Indeed, adversity has touched me, and You are the most merciful of the merciful.")?

Prophet Ayoub (عَلَیهِ‌ السَّلام)


Who was the man that died without any parents?

Prophet Adam (عَلَیهِ‌ السَّلام)


Which prophet was the name “Israel” given to?

Prophet Yacqub (عَلَیهِ‌ السَّلام)


What is the thing that if you take from, it increases in size?

A hole


How many pillars of Imaan are there, and mention them all

There are six, which are: Belief in Allah, Belief in his Angels, Belief in Divine Books, his Prophets, Belief in the Day of Judgment, and Belief in Qadaa’ and Qadar (Divine Decree)


What was Prophet Musa known for (before his prophethood)?

His strength

context: this was the answer because of when he was in the city of Madyan, and he lifted up the rock blocking the well by himself when it would require upwards of 40 people to lift it, and when he killed the Egyptian by accident in Egypt.


How old was the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) when the first ayah of the Quran was sent down upon him?

He was 40 years old


What is the Surah that is named after a prophet and the surah mainly talks about his story only?

Surah Yusuf and Surah Nuh


Who invented algebra?

Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi