Where can we find our classroom rules?
On the bulletin board near the door!
If you need to get a drink of water during a lesson, how do you do this? (You must explain the procedure and demonstrate it for the class.)
1. Show the teacher the water signal.
2. If the teacher approves, you may quietly get up and get a drink.
3. Before you leave the drinking fountain, make sure the area is clean.
4. Return back to your seat quietly.
What 3 materials should you have in your desk for ELA?
1. Small Wonders Book
2. Large Wonders Book
3. Wonders Workbook
What material (book) do we use during our math lessons?
Investigations Student Workbook
When you receive a piece of paper, what is the first thing you should do?
Write your name and number on it!!!
Where can we find our classroom jobs?
What jobs do we have?
1. It is located near the front of the room near our hand signals.
2. See job list for classroom jobs!
In the morning when students walk into the classroom, what are the first 4 things you should do?
1. Move popsicle stick
2. Turn in homework
3. Record today's homework in your Agenda
4. Start your Morning Work
Who has been teaching room 24's writing lessons?
Mrs. David!
When we use whiteboard during math, what are some dos and don'ts? (Whiteboard rules)
1. Take whiteboards out quickly and quietly.
2. Whiteboards are tools not toys.
What are our tickets used for in the classroom?
1. End of the week "raffle"
2. Bathroom tickets
What do I do if I need a tissue?
1. Show the teacher the tissue signal.
2. If the teacher gives the ok, get up quietly and take care of business.
3. Make sure your business is left in the trash and not the floor.
If you finish your morning work early, what should you do?
Take out a book and read quietly.
During Daily 5, explain what your job is as a student who is working on "Read to Self".
1. Stay in one spot
2. Read the whole time
3. Read quietly
4. Work on stamina
5. Get started right away
What have you be learning about in math for the past 3 weeks? (Hint: There are 4 math topics that you focused on.)
1. Lines
2. Angles
3. Shapes
4. Symmetry
What happens when you hear two chimes ring?
Everyone is quiet in 5 seconds.
When is an appropriate time to ask to do to the restroom?
What do you need to do before you go to the restroom?
1. You may go to the restroom during your own time or during independent work time.
2. You must sign out using the bathroom log before leaving the class.
How do you get chromebooks in this class? How do you put them away after you are done using it?
1. Chromebooks are found in the crates.
2. When carrying chromebooks, we use TWO hands.
3. There is no water allowed near the chromebooks.
4. When you are finished using chromebooks, you place them in number order with their matching chargers.
During Daily 5, explain what your job is as a student who is working on "Work on writing".
1. Stay in one spot
2. Write the whole time
3. Write quietly
4. Work on stamina
5. Get started right away
What are talk moves?
Talk moves are strategies we can use to help us add to our classroom discussions.
We don't learn if one person is doing all of the talking! (We have to collaborate and share ideas!)
What is our clip chart used for?
What should you do if your popsicle stick is missing?
1. It is our classroom behavior chart to help us self-manage.
2. At an appropriate time, tell the teacher that your popsicle stick is missing. It will get replaced.
What is SLANT and what does it look like?
(Be prepared to demonstrate)
S- Sit-up Straight
L- Lean and Listen
A- Ask and Answer
N- Nod
T- Track
Describe in detail, what it should look and sound like to line up in our classroom? (Be ready to demonstrate this to the class.)
1. Push in your chair and line up quietly.
2. Make sure you give others space (Don't crowd)
3. Our classroom lines are straight and quiet!
During Daily 5, explain what your job is as a student who is working on "Work on Technology".
1. Stay in one spot
2. Type the whole time
3. Work quietly
4. Work on a flat surface
5. Get started right away
If you are finished with your math classwork early, what is an appropriate activity you can do?
Take a look at the must do and may do tree map!
What items are allowed at school?
What items should stay at home?
1. Items that are allowed at school are school supplies or things that can help us learn better.
2. Items that are not allowed at school at toys or things that can cause distractions.