Investigation #1
Investigation #2
Investigation #3
Investigation #4
Random Other Things

When tossing 1 coin, what is the probability of landing on heads? 

1/2 or 50%


What is the difference between theoretical and experimental probability 

Theoretical is what should happen based on the math and experimental is what does happen when the situation is done out. 


A spinner in split into 4 sections. Does that always mean that the sections are equal and that all the outcomes have an equal chance? WHY?

No. The sections could all be equal but 2 of the sections could have the same outcome, or 1 section could be much larger than the other 3 sections.


What does an area model show? 

It shows all the possible outcomes in a visual way.


What is the unit "What Do You Expect' about?



Does flipping a cup have the same number of outcomes as flipping a coin? WHY?

No, because a cup has more sides.


There are 2 yellow marbles, 4 blue marbles, and 6 red marbles in a bag. What is the probability of pulling out a blue marble?

4/ 12 OR 1/3


You use colored cubes to decide between 3 different options. What is a fair way to get each outcome using these cubes?

Use 3 different colors and assign each color to a specific outcome, then randomly choose one without looking at them (like maybe from a bag)


You are trying to show the outcomes of spinning a spinner on one side of an area model. The spinner is broken into 3 equal pieces. How would you split up that one side of the area model?

Split the side into 3 even pieces and label each with one of the labels from the spinner


How do you turn a faction into a percent?

Divide the top by the bottem and then multiply by 100.


What are all the possible outcomes when flipping 2 coins?

1. Heads, heads                2. Tails, tails

3. Heads, tails                  4. Tails, heads


What does "fair" mean?

Everything is equal


You use a number cube to decide between 4 different options. What is a fair way to get each outcome using these cubes?

Assign each outcome a number 1-4, and say if it lands on 5 or 6 that you will roll again. Then roll the cube. 


You are trying to show the outcomes of spinning a spinner on one side of an area model. The spinner is 1/2 red, 1/3 yellow, and 1/6 blue. How would you split up that one side of the area model?

Make it 6 pieces (so that every piece is the same size) and then label 3 of them red, 2 of them yellow, and 1 of them blue. 


Turn 4/5 into a percent.

4 / 5 = 0.8

0.8 X 100 = 80%


Suppose the coin is fair and Britany tosses it 500 times. About how many times would you expect it to land on heads? Explain.

About 250. The coin only has 2 sides so half of 500 is 250. 


Suppose you tossed 3 coins for 24 trials. How many times would you expect 2 coins to match.

There are 8 possible combinations and 6 of them have 2 coins that match. So 6/8 would equal 18/24, meaning 18 for the 24 trials would have 2 coins that match.


3/5 students in 1 class got below an 85% on the last test. Using that information, how many students in the whole 8th grade, which has 60 students, would have gotten below an 85%?

3/5 = ?/60

5 X 12=60               3 X 12= 36

So about 36 students.


There are 2 yellow and 3 blue marbles in one bucket and 1 red, 1 blue, and 1 purple marble in a second bucket. SHOW me how you would set up an area model to find all of the possible outcomes.

(Visual Answers Needed)

Split one side into 5 sections and label them yellow, yellow, blue, blue, and blue. Then split the other side into 3 sections and label them red, blue, and purple. 


The chance of a snow day tomorrow is 86%. What is that as a fraction? Simplify if possible. 

86/ 100= 43/50


Kelsey tosses a coin 50 times, and it lands on heads 28 times. What is the fraction of times it landed on heads? What is the percent? 

Fraction: 28/50

Precent: 56%


You have 2 bags of cubes. Each bag has 1 red, 1 yellow, and 1 blue block in them. What are all the possible outcomes of drawing 1 cube from each bag?

Red+red, red+yellow, red+blue, Yellow+red, yellow+yellow, yellow+blue, Blue+red, blue+yellow, blue+blue

9 total


There are 3 red, 1 blue, and 2 yellow marbles in a bag. Once a marble is selected, it is not replaced. What is the probability that a red marble is chosen, then a blue as a fraction in simplest form?

3/6 X 1/5 = 3/30 = 1/10


There are 1 yellow, 4 blue, and 1 red marbles in one bucket and 2 red, 1 blue, and 1 purple marble in a second bucket. Complete an area model with all of the possible outcomes. 

(Visual Answers Needed)

Split one side into 6 sections and label them yellow, blue, blue, blue, blue, red. Split the other side into 4 sections and label them red, red, blue, purple. 

Outcomes: YR, YB, YP, RB, BB, PB, RB, BB, PB, RB, BB, PB, RB, BB, PB, RR, BR, PR


How do you fully prepare for this test? 

Fill out the index cardwith notes and review the jeopardy game.