Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, _ _ _ _ _ _ ,
I used a staff that God turned into a snake?
Moses - Exodus 7:8-13
How many people were saved in the Ark?
***Bonus Question - who were they?***
Noah, his wife, their 3 sons and their wives.
Genesis 7:7
Esther becomes a _ _een to King Xeres and saved her people
Queen - Esther Chapters 2 - 7
What types of bird did Noah send out from the Ark?
A raven and a dove - Genesis 6:8-11
Who wrote the Book of Law
Who did God ask "Where is your brother" and his response was "Am I my brother's keeper"
Who is Cain - Genesis 4:9
It rained for how many days and night?
40 - Genesis 7:12
What two Old Testament books are named after a women?
Ann, Mary
Ruth, Esther
Jennifer, Eve
Ruth and Esther
God opened the mouth of a d_nk_y to speak
donkey - Numbers 22:16-18,28
??Double Jeopardy??
What is the first book of History?
I killed the Giant Goliath and what did I use?
David; a sling shot and stones - 1 Samuel 17
How many books of History are there?
Rahab saved the sp_ _s and through her obedience she saved her f_ m_l_ from destruction. Joshua 2:3-21
spies, family
What animal did Abraham use as a sacrifice instead of his son?
Ram - Genesis 22:1-13
What is the name of the book that has mentions many judges who took the place of kings.
My strength was in my hair and it was cut off.
Samson - Judges 16
What day did God rest after the creation?
The seventh day - Genesis 2:2-3
Who did Ruth work for and end up marrying?
Boaz - Ruth 4:13-17
Who named the animals?
Adam - Genesis 2:20
Joshua, Judges, R_ _ h, 1&2 S_ m_el, 1&2 K_ _ g_,
1&2 Ch_ _ _ _cles, Ez__, N_h_m_ah, E_th_r
Ruth, Samuel, Kings, Chronicles, Nehemiah, Esther
Satan deceived me and after I ate the fruit my husband did also.
How long were the Israelites in the Wilderness?
20 day
40 days
1 year
6 months
40 days- Joshua 5:6
What prophetess/judge was a military leader along side of Barak?
!!!Bonus Question!!!
What book of the Bible do we find Deborah
Deborah - Judges 4
!!!Double Jeopardy!!!
How many of each animal did Noah take onto the ark?
male and female (7 pairs of clean; 1 pair of unclean; 7 pairs of birds) Genesis 7:2,3