Name one Anger coping Skill In school
taking a break
deep breaths
drink of water/snack
Who gets angry?
everyone gets angry.
Give an example of your anger trigger.
Name one sign of anger.
Yelling, throwing things, angry words, glaring, fists clenching, face turning red.
What do you call taking time away from the situation that made you mad?
taking a break or walking away
Sadness, disappointment, and fear are often on the bottom of what?
The anger iceberg
How do you know someone else is angry?
Face looks mad, pacing, yelling...
What are your body signs of anger.
sweating, red face, and feeling hot
True or False. Learning about what makes you feel angry can help you get less angry next time
True. You get to know your body
True or False. Anger is a problem when it affects others or causes problems
How do we know we are getting angry?
Body becomes hot, head hurts, making fists, want to yell or punch...
Name 3 things that help you control your anger at school
What are 2 positive things you do to chill when you are angry
breathing, relaxing, movies, games, getting a drink, talking it out, taking a break, mindfulness, listening to music etc.
Name two things you can do to control you anger?
deep breathing
Take a break
identify hidden emotions
True or False. talking your feeling out can help you feel better
True or False. Name calling, stomping your feet, or going silent are warning signs that you are angry