The Economy
Marriage and Relationships
Politics, Religion, and Education

Durkheim described this as a form of social cohesion that comes from sharing similar work, education, and religion, as might be found in simpler societies

What is Mechanical Solidarity?


This 19th Century theorist was instrumental in the development of socialism.

Who is Karl Marx?


According to the U.S. Census, two or more people who consider themselves related by blood, marriage, or adoption is known as, what?

What is a Family?


This has happened to the median age of first marriage for men and women over the past 60 years.

What is Increased?


This is known as a form of government wherein citizens elect officials to represent their interests.

What is Representative Democracy?


Melinda used to work for an IT company in Baltimore, but lost their job when their company decided to use workers in New Delhi instead. This is an example of:

What is Outsourcing?


Economic systems characterized by individual or private ownership, profit-seeking, and market-based competition.

What is Capitalism?


According to sociologists, what is defined as a social group whose members are bound by legal, biological, or emotional ties, or a combination of all three.

What is Family?


According to Pew Research (2022), who is more likely to say "single motherhood is bad for society," men or women?

Who are Men?


According to Max Weber, this is the ability to exercise one’s will over others.

What is Power?


The process of integrating governments, cultures, and financial markets through international trade into a single world market is best described as:

What is Globalization?


During what time period (or revolutionary age) did economies begin to develop globally?

What is the Agricultural Revolution?


A two-parent family structure is know as, what?

What is a Nuclear Family?


Over the past 40 years what has happened to the rate of divorce in the U.S.?

What is, it has Declined?


With regard to Education as an Institution, Sociologists refer to this as a type of nonacademic knowledge that one learns through informal learning and cultural transmission.

What is the Hidden Curriculum?


Professional work that offers the highest median wages and growth opportunities requires significant amount of what?

What is Education and Training?


This form of unemployment might suggest that many companies may be hiring in Washington D.C., but unemployment is high in Tennessee.

What is Structural Unemployment?


Which sociological perspective views family as one of the institutions that keeps society running by producing and socializing children, economic production, instrumental and emotional support, and sexual control.

What is Functionalism?

According to Pew Research on Marriage and Cohabitation (2019), who is more likely to find satisfaction in their relationship, partners who marry or cohabitate?

Who are Partners Who Marry?


This sociological perspective focuses on Teacher Expectations and the ways labels may impact educational experiences.

What is Symbolic Interactionism?


The nature of work in this type of economy is characterized by the production of Knowledge and Service.

What is Post-Industrial or Information?


For the United States, Canada, and Mexico, what was the significance of NAFTA?

What is expanded Free Trade?


A family into which a person is born is know as, what?

What is a Family of Orientation?


According to conclusions from the National Marriage Project at UVA, this is the most important foundation for successful marriages.

What is Finances or Financial Security?


Robert has just moved to a new city. He does not know anyone but he wants to find a mosque where he can practice Islam. This theory suggests Robert will, either consciously or subconsciously, weigh the costs and benefits to make a decision.

What is Rational Choice Theory?