How many credits are do you need to graduate?
Minimum 230 (Majority of Stockton HS)
What is the minimum grade needed to pass a class?
D, but highly recommended you achieve a C or better to qualify for CSU/UC
What is a skilled trade?
A job that requires some type of training, but not a college degree.
When can you use your phone in the space?
Only to sign in/sign out, then it must be put away!
We will take it away if we see it!!!
When it comes to A-G, how many years of English do you need?
4 years
What happens when you fail a class?
Summer School or Credit Recovery (If offered)
It's way harder!!!!!
Can you still go to college with a 1.5-2.0 GPA?
YES! You can start your college path at a community college.
When can you can come for help?
Ask during mentorships, during lunch, or during programming.
How many years of Math do you need?
2 years in HS
3 years required CSU/UC (4 years recommended)
If you attend class and try, can you pass it?
Yes, but you need to get some help, ASK!
Do you know what most job require you to have? (Remember it's life right after HS)
a high school diploma (bare minimum)
What is the mission of IYT?
To get YMOC to and through colleges and universities.
How many years of science do you need?
2 Years
3 Years Recommended for CSU/UC
What age do you need to be done with high school?
19 then you have to go to adult ed
What is a GAP year?
Taking a year break to work, explore, and travel.
Finding yourself.
(Your parents will probably get mad at you. Just saying.)
What is the Vision?
A nation where YMOC is underrepresented in the criminal justice system and overrepresented in the higher education system, and be leaders in their community
Do I need to take a foreign language?
Yes, for two years of the same language.
Do you need Physical Education to graduate?
Yes!!!! It's a high school requirement but not an A-G requirement.
Is there any job where you don't need math?
No, majority of jobs requires you to do at least basic math.
Name one of these "We Statements" (Each Team get a chance. If there is a repeat, this round will end)