According to a survey, what is the U.S. top family food?
The Olympics are held every how many years?
4 years
What TV series features five animal children, who imagine that their backyard is an adventure place?
The Backyardigans
Who sang a duet with Ed Sheeran on the song “Perfect”?
What is the only Marvel film not to have a post-credit scene?
Avengers: Endgame
In chile con queso, the “chile” refers to what?
What was Wilt Chamberlain’s record for most points in a single game?
What's the name of Spongebob's pet?
What pop artist recorded the hit “Jenny From the Block”?
Jennifer Lopez
Which Disney character made their debut in Steamboat Willie?
Mickey Mouse
What do most restaurants in Paris and the surrounding area usually serve as a free side?
What do you call it when a player makes three back to back strikes in bowling?
A Turkey
What was the name of Dora The Explorer's sidekick?
What instrument does Lizzo play?
The Flute
What is the name of the talking dog in Up?
What kind of cheese are Canadians best known for?
In professional basketball, how high is the basketball hoop from the ground?
10 feet
Who are the two best friends from Sesame Street?
Bert & Ernie
What dessert does Gucci Mane have tattooed on his face?
An ice cream cone
What are these 2 characters from The Good Dinosaur called?
Spot and Arlo
What, in Italian, is 'prosciutto'?
What team gets the advantage of first bat in baseball?
What is the first Pokemon that Ash gets in the Pokemon series?
What is the oldest surviving musical instrument?
What kind of animal does Dory name “Squishy” in Finding Nemo?
A jellyfish