You have a lot of work that has to get done today and you don't know what to start with or how to motivate yourself to start. You might feel...
What does angry look like? Or feel?
That makes us happy or makes us smile at school?
I like surprises.
Breathing in through your nose, out through your mouth, SLOWLY, is a calm down strategy...
You want to play a game with friends, but they don't want to play with you. You might feel...
Sad. Disappointed. Left out.
When someone is overwhelmed with hard work or lots of work they might have a hard time:
* starting their work
* doing their work
* finishing their work
That makes us wiggly at school - it's hard to sit still and focus.
When I'm upset I like to be by myself? When I'm upset I like someone to sit next to me?
Squeezing and releasing your hands is a self-regulation strategy.
Your teacher gives you a reward for all of the hard work that you have been doing in the classroom. How would you feel?
Happy, proud or excited
What do people feel like or sound like when they are calm?
This makes us worried or nervous.
I like Distance Learning from home?
Having a visual schedule is a good strategy we can use to keep ourselves organized and focused during DL and in school.
The math you are working on is really hard. No matter how hard you try, you just don't understand how to do it or how to get the right answer. You might feel...
Frustrated or confused
Charlie doesn't know if he should start with his reading or his math work. We might call this being...
That makes us feel intimidated. It might be big, or scary, or we might not be sure that we can do it.
I find it easy to stay organized during distance learning? I find it difficult to stay organized during distance learning?
When something is overwhelming or frustrating, sometimes we need to take a short break: get up and stretch, drink water, set up a timer for 5 minutes and do something else.
What is scared/nervous?
You have a lot of work to get done. The rule is, if you don't get your work done, you can't play your video games. You might feel...
Worried. Nervous. Upset.
How might someone's body and brain might feel if they are nervous or worried.
* Stomach hurts
* Put head down - it's just too much
* Worried thoughts in your brain
* Hard time focusing - brain wants to worry
That makes us excited. This is so much fun, so cool!
Reading makes me feel calm and cozy? Reading makes me feel frustrated?
What is talk to them, tell an adult?
When I need to finish my work, but I'm running out of energy, I can use positive self-talk to encourage myself to get the job done.