Where is my office located?
Right across from the 5th grade pod!
What is one thing that I don't do when students come to my office?
I don't judge you. I listen to you. My office is a space for you to say anything on your mind and heart.
Is it possible to feel more than one emotion at a time?
YES- Imagine putting on layers of emotion, like you might put on layers of clothing. Sometimes those layers clash and sometimes they work reasonably well together. It’s the same way with emotions. You can be both excited and anxious about the first day at a new school, for example.
When you speak to the counselor in her office, she will not repeat what you said to others?
This is true. Except when you mention: hurting yourself, hurting someone else, or that someone is hurting you. If you mention those three I must contact your parents to make sure that you are safe!
What is the name of our school mascot?
Treasure the Golden Retriever
What is the best way to reach me?
Ask your teacher to see the school counselor.
You can also send me a message on canvas!
Am I a teacher?
A school counselor is NOT a teacher.
I will teach classroom lessons once a month.
My job is not to teach but to listen and help students.
True or False- people express feelings in the same way.
FALSE- What makes life and relationships interesting, after all, is the fact that different people can react in different ways to the very same situation—reactions that are revealed by everything from body language to our facial expressions to the words we use.
What does the word confidential mean?
Confidential means intended to keep private.
What is the name of the monthly videos that will celebrate our school community?
What do you do if you need to see the school counselor?
1. Ask a teacher.
2. Fill out a form.
3. Put it in my mailbox.
Or send me a message on Canvas!
What is the difference between a school counselor and the principal/assistant principal?
The principal/assistant principal are in charge of making sure that the whole school is safe and running smoothly. My job is to listen to individual students to help them with their problems.
Does expressing your anger mean you are a bad person?
Nooooo way. We ALL feel anger. If you don’t feel anger, it means you are probably a robot.
Expressing your anger is healthy, because it is a powerful emotion.
There are healthy and unhealthy ways to express our anger.
What are the 3 things that I must share with your parent or an adult if you tell me?
-Someone is hurting you.
-You want to hurt someone.
-You want to hurt yourself.
Name our four TREaSured traits WITH the signs.
Responsibility, Respect, Integrity, and Care