"Light up"
This idioms means - to suddenly look happy.
Your heart is in the right place
You're trying to be helpful
Burst into tears
To suddenly start to cry.
On cloud nine
To be very happy
"Throw a tantrum"
This idioms means, to become very angry or unreasonable.
Give me a hand
Help me out
Get something off your chest
To tell someone something that has been worrying you. To admit something that has been bothering you.
Wear your heart on your sleeve
To show your feelings, especially your love for someone.
Shake a leg
Hurry up
Lose your temper
To become very angry.
Play it by ear
Do not make a plan. Wait and plan as you go.
Get a grip on yourself
To get control over your emotions.
Keep a Straight Face
To try not to smile or laugh.
Stop daydreaming
Zip your lip
Be quiet
Have egg on your face
To feel embarrassed.
Get a taste of your own medicine
To be treated the way you've been treating others
Good luck!
You're all thumbs
You're clumsy
Keep and eye out
Look and see
Raining cats and dogs.
It is raining very hard
To give someone a cold shoulder
To ignore someone
Under the weather
To feel sick