what is Dat Boi
The slogan of the secret orange society
what is "In citrus we trust"
which YouTuber has the record for most lost subscribers in a single day, losing a whopping 1.2 million
Who is James Charles
What animal IRL created the Ghast sound
what is a cat
What is required to create a discord account
what is an email adress
Name of a flying space cat
What is Nyan Cat
What is 30 members
Who saved the young Adolf Hitler from drowning
Who is Johann Kuehberger
The strongest pickaxe in the game
What is a Netherite pickaxe
What year was discord realeased
what is 2015
The man in the khakis
What is Jake from state farm
What flag is the SOS's flag based off of
What is the "UK flag"
The 16th president of the united states
What is Abraham Lincoln
Pigmen are now known as what?
what is Piglins
What discord bot was the first to reach 1 million servers
what is Rhythm
Name of a certain coin in the stock market right now and dog
What is DOGE
The symbols outside of the Triangle
What is branches
what is communism
The name of a group of enderman
what is a haunting
What is the name of the Discord mascot
what is a Wumpus
The Year the first meme war started
What is 2016
The person in the discord server who is a "founder" of the society
who is "Ace of spades" (Or Thomas Hays)
The point on a black hole where it is impossible for even light to escape
what is the event horizon
What models did notch take from his other game(s) and port over to Minecraft
Hint: There are 3, name just 1.
What is Grass / Dirt / Cobble Stone
Name the 3 HypeSquad houses
What is Bravery
What is Balance
What is Brilliance