How old is Cass
17 years old
Is Kyle older or younger than David?
What did David have to eat when he was young because his mom wouldn't cook for him?
What was David and Kyles father supposed to be when he grew up?
A doctor.
What does David and Kyles mother say when Kyle asks her if she loves David?
"I do what I have to do"
What did Cass take from her Dad the night she was kidnapped?
Xanex A strong drug to relax. She took it from her father's briefcase.
How is Kyle communicating with Cass when she is buried.
Walkie Talkie.
How did David kill himself?
He hung himself
What did Cass say when David asked her out?
She said she'd have to get back to him. She didn't want to be mean because she still wanted David's vote for Homecoming queen.
Did Cass go to David's funeral?
What did Cass say about David in her note?
He was gay and a loser.
As the story goes on, who is Kyle blaming more and more for David's death?
His mother.
What was David's personality like?
He was very shy and timid. He was sad.
What was David and Kyles mother like in high school?
Just like Cass.
Where did Kyle bury Cass?
In a box in a greenhouse.
How is Cass trying to survive mentally when she is buried alive?
She is trying to implement "Ted's rules" when dealing with Kyle.
Where did Kyle bury Cass?
In a greenhouse.
What did David's not say?
Words are teeth and they eat me alive?
Feed on my corpse instead.
What did David look like when Kyle came home for Christmas
He'd lost 15 pounds and looked terrible.
Who's rules did Cass try and live by?
Ted's, her dad's.
Why did Kyle bury Cass alive?
Kyle blamed Cass for his brother, David's death.
How did the cops know where Kyle buried Cass?
Kyle gave them directions.
What did Cass do when he friend told her David had committed suicide?
She threw up.
How is Cass getting oxygen while she's buried?
A tube is running down to her.
Where is Cass at the end of the story?
In a psych ward.