spaces travel
A.I impacts on now

what could humanity do to find aliens in the future?

analyse mysterious signals, or even artefacts, and work out every aspect of how we should respond


what year does NASA plan to have people living in space? 

 2058 as part of President Bush's "Vision for Space Exploration" plan, the agency announced in 2006


what is the overall impact that A.I can have of society? 

Job displacement, changes in social norms and relationships, and the distribution of wealth and power


what can we do in preparation of first contract?

stopping the spread of misinformation and control the impact on religions and belief systems.


how much money is poured into this project?

$100 billion-plus [source: NASA].


what can we do to Minimize the effects that AI will have on jobs?    

companies can work to create new job opportunities that leverage the unique skills and abilities of human workers


would humandy be prared for alien contact? yes or no

No(“Look at the mess we made when Covid hit. We’d be like headless chickens,” says Dr John Elliott, a computational linguist at the University of St Andrews.)


what will homes on other planets look like? think small... 

trailer home 


in what way will the distribution of Wealth and Power change with A.I 

the levels of automation leads to further job and income inequality due to jobs in the middle being eliminated.  


what is the predicted impact?

dissemination, the media, the impact on religions and belief systems, the potential for disinformation, what analytical capabilities we’ll need, and much more 


what is a good way to help nonastrnots go to space? 

rotating spacecraft that orbit the Earth


 what kind of Changes in Social Norms and Relationships will we see with the prize of A.I?

A study at the University of Duisburg-Essen in Germany found that people who interacted with a robot were less likely to help someone who needed help 


Can we communicate with aliens? yes or no 

no "any intelligent aliens were likely to be hundreds if not thousands of light years away, meaning communication time would be on the scale of many centuries"


what is the price of a home in space? 

$20 million for one person


how many jobs will be replaced due to A.I? 

800 million jobs