Matter and Form
True or False
Sacrifice and Miracles

____________ is the free and undeserved gift of God’s life within us.

Grace is the free and undeserved gift of God’s life within us.


How many Sacraments are there?



What is the matter of the Sacrament of the Eucharist? 

Bread and Wine. The body and blood of Christ. 


The recipient of each Sacrament is the person who performs the actions and speaks the words of the Sacrament.



What was the most common animal used for sacrifice?

A Lamb


A _______________________ is a sacred and permanent bond of family relationship.

A covenant is a sacred and permanent bond of family relationship.


What is required of the recipient of some Sacraments in order for the effects of the Sacrament to be received?

  • The recipient must be in a state of grace.
  • The recipient must first read the Bible.
  • The recipient must be in a state of mortal sin.
  • The recipient must pray a Rosary.

The recipient must be in a state of grace.


The words spoken during the celebration of each Sacrament is called the _____________ of the Sacrament.

The words spoken during the celebration of each Sacrament is called the form of the Sacrament.


In miracles of supply, Jesus commanded demons to leave possessed people.



Which of the following is NOT one of the four main reasons ancient people offered animal sacrifice?

  • 1. To give thanks to God
  • 2. To seek revenge on an enemy
  • 3. To mark a new beginning by swearing an oath
  • 4. To show sorrow for sins

2. To seek revenge on an enemy


In the first _________________, God commanded the Israelites to sacrifice a year-old unblemished lamb and spread its blood over their doorposts to be spared from the plague of death.

In the first Passover, God commanded the Israelites to sacrifice a year-old unblemished lamb and spread its blood over their doorposts to be spared from the plague of death.


In which Sacrament are men who are called by God ordained priests?

  • Holy Matrimony
  • Holy Orders
  • Holy Communion
  • Confirmation

Holy Orders


The physical material or action used in each Sacrament is called the _____________ of the Sacrament.

The physical material or action used in each Sacrament is called the Matter of the Sacrament.


The Sacraments of the Church cause the graces of which they are signs.



Why did ancient people choose the animal that they did for sacrifices?

Lambs were obedient and innocent. 


_________________ is the story of God’s saving actions in human history.

Salvation History is the story of God’s saving actions in human history.


Which Sacrament makes us sons and daughters of God?

  • Confirmation
  • Holy Eucharist
  • Penance and Reconciliation
  • Baptism



What is the form of the Sacrament of Baptism?

“I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”


To the sacred authors of the New Testament, the words mystery and sacrament had the same meaning.



Name the three basic aspects of a miracle. 

1. It is an amazing event witnessed by others. 

2. It cannot be naturally explained.

3. It is the result of God's action. 


The human person who stood in for everyone else who was part of the each covenant in Salvation History is called the _________________.

The human person who stood in for everyone else who was part of the each covenant in Salvation History is called the Mediator.


Which Latin term or phrase means “from the work having been done” and describes how Jesus has already done the work of each Sacrament to give us God’s grace?

  • Sacramentum 
  • Mysterium 
  • Ex opere operato
  • Ex nihilo 

Ex opere operato


Holy oil, which marks us as belonging to God and strengthens the gifts of the Holy Spirit within us, is the sign of which Sacrament?

  • Baptism
  • Holy Communion
  • Penance and Reconciliation
  • Confirmation



God entered into five major covenants in the Old Testament and three major covenants in the New Testament with His people.



Name the four types of miracles. Give an example of each. 

1. Healing 

2. Supply

3. Nature

4. Supernatural