Facts about Ms. Kelsey
Reasons to visit the School Counselor
Important things to know
What does the school counselor do?

What pet does Ms. Kelsey have?

A dog named Beau! 


Should you talk to the school counselor if... 

You are bored in math and want to avoid your work and play a game instead. 

Nope! Talking with the counselor isn't an excuse to avoid your work. 


Where is Ms. Kelsey's office? 

It is located in the lower school office. 


What is the name of the class the School Counselor teaches? 



What does SEL stand for? 

Social Emotional Learning


What other jobs has Ms. Kelsey had?

Summer camp counselor

Aftercare counselor

Kindergarten teacher 

Second grade teacher 


Should you talk to the school counselor if... 

Over the past few weeks there have been moments where you have hit other kids out of anger.

Yes! Sometimes our emotions make us act in ways that hurt others. The school counselor can help you manage your emotions and actions. 


Yes or No? 

Will Ms. Kelsey tell your friends what you talk about in her office? 



True or False? 

We have Wellness all year long! 


We have wellness every other week for the entire school year. 

Name some ways to be a good friend

Be respectful, be a bucket filler, treat them with kindness. 


Which college did Ms. Kelsey attend? 

The University of Utah 


Should you talk to your school counselor if... 

Your friend has started acting strange. They don't seem like their usual self and you are worried something is wrong. 

Yes! If you are worried about your friends you can always let your school counselor or teacher know about it. 


True or false? 

Teachers and parents may ask the school counselor to meet with you? 

True! Sometimes adults will ask the school counselor to start meeting with you. 


What is group counseling? 

Group counseling is when 3-6 kids get together with the school counselor to work on specific skills. 


If other students are making fun of you or being mean, who can you talk to? 

The School Counselor

Your teacher

An adult at home


True or false: 

Ms. Kelsey HATES vanilla ice cream


Should you talk to the school counselor if... 

Your emotions are making it hard for you to stay focused in class? 

Yes! Sometimes our emotions can make it hard for us to focus and learn. It can be helpful to talk to the School Counselor about it. 


If you need to see the school counselor, what do you do? 

Talk to your teacher (they must know where you are!) 

Parent can email Ms. Kelsey 

Come by Ms. Kelsey's office 

Schedule a time with Ms. Brooke


True or false

The school counselor is here to help ALL students. 



True or false

If you are asked to see the school counselor you are in BIG trouble. 


Ms. Kelsey may help you work through problems with friends, but you are never in trouble. 


What are some things that Ms. Kelsey likes to do in her spare time? 

Spend time in the garden, go trail running, read books, spend time with friends, play bored games.  


Should you talk to the school counselor if...

You and your friends are having a hard time getting along at recess? Can you all come talk to Ms. Kelsey?

Yes! If you and your friends are struggling to get along, you can all come talk to Ms. Kelsey together to work through the problems. 


When does Ms. Kelsey have to tell other adults about something you talk about? 

If someone is hurting you, if you are hurting yourself, or if you are hurting someone else. 


What is individual counseling? 

You get to meet 1:1 with a school counselor to talk about things that are on your mind or work on skills that may be hard for you. 


What is a safe space? 

A safe space is somewhere you can go where you can feel comfortable sharing your feelings.