Beginning of the colonies
The thirteen Colonies
Native American Interactions
Early Religious Influences
economy in the colonies

The first successful English colony in North America.

What is Jamestown?


A colony founded by the Dutch colonists then later taken by the English.

What is New York?


The Native American confederation that allied with the Dutch in fur trade.

Who are the Iroquois Confederacy?


A religious revival that impacted the English colonies in America during the 1730s and 1740s. It emphasized a personal relationship with God and individual salvation.

What is the Great Awakening?


The cash crop that saved the Jamestown colony

What is tobacco?


The ship that brought the Pilgrims to the New World.

What is the Mayflower ship?


The fourth colony to be established in North American by the British, founded as a haven for Catholics.

What is Maryland?


The devastating war between the Native Americans and English settlers in Virginia that resulted in the destruction of the Indian power.

What is the Powhatan War?


The religious group that settled in Pennsylvania and believed in the equality of all people.

Who are the Quakers?


The system of trade between Europe, Africa, and the Americas.

What is the Triangular Trade?


The fierce battles between the New England colonies and the local Natives led by Metacom

What is King Philip's War?


originally occupied by other Europeans. But instead of the Dutch, it was the Swedes. The colony is known for its religious tolerance and being a refuge for Quakers.

What is Pennsylvania?


The Native American tribe who lived in the northeastern part of North America that had a cooperative relationship with the French in fur trade. They were known for their farming and trading skills.

Who are the Huron?


The religious dissenters who were banished from the Massachusetts Bay Colony and founded Rhode Island.

Who are the Puritans?


The economic theory that colonies exist to benefit the mother country.

What is mercantilism?


The first written framework of government in the American colonies.

What is the Mayflower Compact?


The colony founded by Roger Williams, promoting religious freedom and separation of church and state.

What is Rhode Island?


The Native American tribe that practiced a culture emphasizing monogamy and matrilineal descent.

Who are the Cherokee?


The religious group that believed in predestination and settled in New England.

Who are the Calvinists?


The region in the southern colonies known for its large plantations and reliance on slavery.

What is the Chesapeake?


The Native American tribe that helped the Pilgrims survive.

What is the Wampanoag?


The colony founded by a small group of Puritans who were seeking religious freedom.

What is the massachusetts Bay?


A Native American tribe that constructed elaborate buildings and began the American farming tradition and lived in the southwestern region of the modern United States

Who are the Pueblo?


The process by which commodities, people, and diseases spread across the Atlantic.

What was the Columbian Exchange?


The industry that developed in New England due to its rocky soil and abundant forests.

What is shipbuilding?