What is the name of the actress who played “Chick” in “Hawk and Chick”?
What is: Yuki
What is Tina’s middle name?
What is: Ruth
Where/Who does Linda get her jellybean schnapps from?
What is: In the parking lot of the grocery store, out of the trunk of someone's car
What is Tammy allergic to?
What is: Shellfish
In “House of 1000 Bounces”, how old was Rudy turning?
What is: 9
What candy did Gene get a whole box of?
What is: Original Chunky Blast Offs!
Bob is a fan of what kind of films?
What is: Foreign
What dance does Mr. Fischoeder not know?
What is: The Macarena
Who is the worst member of the Fischoeder family?
Who is: Baxter
What was the premise of Louise’s project in the “Topsy” episode.
What is: Edison didn’t electrocute an elephant to prove DC power was superior.
Bob’s bald spot is often described as being the size of what?
what is: A Mayonnaise jar lid
In episode “Eggs for Days”, Mr. Fischoeder blacked out in 1996 after drinking too much what?
What is: Schnapps
What do they serve for lunch in Hell jail?
What is: your LIES!
Name at least 2 of the erotic fan fiction's on Tina's desk.
(See pic)
What is the uninhabited island for canoodlers and neckers? Extra points is you can spell it!
What is: Quippiquisset Island
Name at least 2 food trucks from the “Food Truckin” episode.
What are: Wok of Shame, Genghis Flan, Ain't Muffin to It, Something to Taco 'Bout, Fudge Judy, Taquito is Cheap, Jeepers Crêp-ers, Sherlock Scones, Ode to Soy.
What’s the name of Teddy’s super glue that Bob gets stuck on the toilet from?
What is: Teddy's Sticky Spackle
What is Gene’s middle name?
In “Weekend at Mort’s” Bob and Linda go on a double at Jimmy Pesto’s with Mort and his mortician date who?
Who is: Samantha
Name some of the Turkeys in Bob’s Burgers.
Who are: Lance, Drew P. Neck, Popcorn, Quirky Turkey, Cyclopse