Student Life
Health & Wellness
Off-Campus Partners
Black History Month occurs in which month.
What is February.
Where can you find information regarding each specific student organization?
What is Benny Link.
This special you can go to in Lucina to enjoy peace and quiet.
What is Relaxation Room.
This is the place you can get assistance in studying, tutoring, test anxiety, study skills, etc.
What is the Learning Center.
This place where elderly individuals live is a great place to take resident to volunteer.
What is local nursing homes
The month of March celebrates this population of students who may have apparent or non-apparent needs.
What is the Disability Awareness Month.
This organization gives students an opportunity to serve in the community.
What is Student Voluntary Services.
This office offers programs regarding mental health disorders, identity exploration, and career readiness.
What is the Counseling Center.
The Career Center hosts dinners for individuals to learn how to interact with employers during a meal setting.
What is an Etiquette Dinner.
This place down town has a variety of theatrical performances.
What is the Muncie Civic Theater
A discussion series which offers students, faculty, and staff the opportunity to discuss current events and relevant issues of social justice, multiculturalism, and diversity.
What is Trending Topics discussion series.
This popular student leadership organization often hosts large speaking events several times a semester.
What is Excellence in Leadership.
This office/person can put on an interactive Battle of the Sexes program about sexual health.
What is the Health Educator.
A resource where you can role play in preparation for an upcoming job search.
What is the Career Center's practice interviews.
This resource for off-campus students is found in the Multi-Cultural Center
What is Cardinal Kitchen
The goals of this event is to help participants: (1) Construct meaning from ideas and concepts related to diversity and inclusion; (2) Explore unique human experiences that make up the human experience; (3) Understand the intersection of socially and culturally constructed identities based on race, ethnicity, gender/gender expression, sexuality, class, age, ability, and religion; and (4) Develop ways to build an inclusive community at Ball State University.
What is the Unity Connections Conference.
This student organization often gathers to play Humans vs Zombies, and other outdoor activities.
What is Urban Gaming League.
This group of students are trained to provide advocacy and support to survivors of violent crimes.
What are Peer Victim Advocates.
The Learning Center provides this online resource to help students improve their study skills.
What is Online Success Strategies Workshops.
This location near campus offers group tours and a museum experience
What is Minnetrista
is a social justice peer education program whose mission is to engage undergraduate students in open dialogues focused on diversity and social justice topics to promote awareness, change, and inter-group understanding.
What is Mosaic.
The mission of this organization is to increase BSU students' awareness of mental health issues, provide information and resources regarding mental health and mental illness, and to encourage to seek help as soon as it is needed.
What is Active Minds.
This person is the campus nutritutionist.
Who is Amanda Kruse (
This is an assessment program provided by the Career Center which will help students identify careers that match their interests and personality.
What is Sigi3.
When it warms up, this place will be great for a bike ride with residents (rent bikes from the Rec Center!)
What is Cardinal Greenway