Special Populations
Special Populations

A nursing student realizes that which of the following is an important variation of communication?
A. Spirituality
B. Death rituals
C. Silence
D. Beliefs

C. Silence


The path one pursues in the search for life's meaning and purpose.



The nurse should conduct what assessment on a newborn after 1 minute of life?


The nurse is caring for a childbearing woman and she asks the nurse what is this dark line down the middle of my stomach. The nurse demonstrates understanding when she responds by saying what?

A. linea nigera

B. Straie

C. Vecriose Vein 

A. Linea Nigera


Skin color is

A. A valid characteristic that differentiates racial groups.
B. A genetic variation associated with distance from the equator.
C. A valid predictor of intelligence.
D. Darker in persons with tightly curled hair.

A. A valid characteristic that differentiates racial groups.


A nurse is preparing to begin work in a diverse, urban community with members of numerous different religious traditions. The nurse should identify which statement as best reflective of Buddhism?
A) Some holy days include fasting from dawn to dusk.
B) The soul has no beginning or end.
C) Outcomes are predetermined.
D) Beliefs focus around the Koran.

A) Some holy days include fasting from dawn to dusk.


Which change in the breasts should a nurse recognize as a normal change associated with pregnancy?
a) hypopigmentation of the areola and nipples
b)tingling sensations and tenderness
c)disappearance of the straie
d)expression of colostrum in the first trimester.

b)tingling sensations and tenderness


When examining the eyes of an elderly client, the nurse observes a white cloudy discoloration of the lens. The nurse interprets this finding as suggesting what health problem?
A) Conjunctivitis
B) Presbyopia
C) Glaucoma
D) Cataracts

D) Cataracts


A nurse has a regular client who is an immigrant from China and who follows the traditional medical system of that culture. To improve the ability to understand and work with this client, the nurse researches this client's cultural view of health. Which of the following would the nurse most likely discover?

A. Use of herbs, roots, talismans, and amulets
B. Respect for nature and use of masks and sand paintings
C. A focus on maintaining balance between yin and yang
D. Prayers to God and saints for spiritual reparations for sins

C. A focus on maintaining balance between yin and yang


The idea of pork as "unclean" and should not be eaten is outdated and is no longer a concern when working with people from other religions. 

True or False



Which hormones influence the changes in the body during pregnancy?

Estrogen and Progesterone


6. A nurse is preparing a health education class for a group of older adult clients at a local senior center. The nurse is focusing on health promotion and disease prevention. Which condition would the nurse cite as a common cause of infection-related deaths in the elderly?
A) Pyelonephritis
B) Cellulitis
C) Pneumonia
D) Meningitis

C) Pneumonia


What is something that is often used to treat back pain and involves placing heated glass jars on the skin?

A. Coining
B. Cupping
C. Moxibustion

B. Cupping


A nurse assesses a client's spirituality and religious practices. During the assessment, the nurse notes that the client is very quiet and rarely asks any questions of the health care workers. The nurse recognizes that this behavior may be associated with which religion?
A) Islam
B) Buddhism
C) Hinduism
D) Christianity

A) Islam


The nurse is caring for an 11-year-old child who was hospitalized after an auto accident. While communicating with this child, the nurse should...

A. Allow the child to engage in the discussion

B. give choices when able.

C.  enlist parent’s help

A. Allow the child to engage in the discussion


What are the characteristics of a culture (select all that apply)?

A. Learned
B. Shared
C. Not Learned
D. Set of Values
E. Personal beliefs

A, B, D


The nurse is preparing a client for cancer chemotherapy treatment. While talking with the nurse, the client says, "Miracles do happen, and I'm praying for one." The nurse interprets this statement as suggesting which religious preference?
A) Judaism
B) Buddhism
C) Islam
D) Christianity

D) Christianity


What developmental approach should a nurse consider when assessing a preschooler? select all the apply.

A.Use storytelling

B. use doll and puppet play

C.Provide privacy and confidentiality

D. give choices when able

E. provide option of having parent present or not

A, B, C