Special Populations
Special Populations

What is often used to treat numerous health conditions and involves taking a hard object with a smooth edge and rubbing it along the skin in a linear fashion until a bruise is present?

A. Coining

B. Cupping

C. Acupuncture

D. A massage

A. Coining


A nurse interviews a  client and learns that her beliefs will prevent her from accepting a blood transfusion, even if needed to save her life. To which religious view would the client most likely adhere?

a. Faith Assembly of India

b. Buddhist

c. Christian Scientist

d. Jehovah’s Witness

d. Jehovah’s Witness


While assessing the abdomen of a pregnant woman, the nurse observes a dark line from the client's umbilicus to the mons pubis. The nurse should explain to the client that this is called:

a. Linea nigra

b. Chloasma

c. Striae gravidarum

d. Diastasis recti

a. Linea nigra


When examining the eyes of an elderly client, the nurse observes a white cloudy discoloration of the lens. The nurse interprets this finding as suggesting what health problem?
A) Conjunctivitis
B) Presbyopia
C) Glaucoma
D) Cataracts

D) Cataracts


A nursing instructor is teaching nursing students about cultural competence. The instructor determines understanding when the students make which of the following statements?

a. The nurse must be aware of the client’s beliefs and values to provide high-quality care

b. It involves annual certification for each staff member

c. The nurse needs to assist clients with integration into western beliefs and values

d. Cultural competence is easy for all nurses to understand and achieve.

a. The nurse must be aware of the client’s beliefs and values to provide high-quality care


A client is being admitted to the Chest Pain Observation Unit from the Emergency Department. The nurse is finishing up her admission interview questions and asks the client, "What are your sources of hope, strength, comfort, and peace?"

What is the nurse attempting to assess by asking this question?

a. Thoughts of self harm

b. The client’s ancestry

c. Spiritual practices

d. Exercise habits

c. Spiritual practices


Which of the following is a common physiologic change that occurs during pregnancy?

a. An increase in intestinal motility

b. An increase in maternal blood volume of 40-50%

c. Vaginal dryness with decreased discharge

d. A decrease in maternal heart rate

b. An increase in maternal blood volume of 40-50%


A parent visits the clinic with her 4-year-old child. While communicating with the child, the nurse should:

a. Allow the child to make his/her own medical decision

b. Stand in front of the child so the focus is on the nurse rather than the parent

c. Use standard medical terminology so the child is not confused

d. Talk to the child in simple terms at the child’s eye level

d. Talk to the child in simple terms at the child’s eye level


After the passing of a patient, the family asked if they could cleanse the body. A nursing student realizes that this practice is part of which of the following in the Jewish culture?
A. Spirituality
B. Death rituals
C. Silence
D. Beliefs

B. Death rituals


A nurse has a regular client who is an immigrant from China and who follows the traditional medical system of that culture. To improve the ability to understand and work with this client, the nurse researches this client's cultural view of health. Which of the following would the nurse most likely discover?

A. Use of herbs, roots, talismans, and amulets
B. Respect for nature and use of masks and sand paintings
C. A focus on maintaining balance between yin and yang
D. Prayers to God and saints for spiritual reparations for sins

C. A focus on maintaining balance between yin and yang


A nurse is preparing a health education class for a group of older adult clients at a local senior center. The nurse is focusing on health promotion and disease prevention. Which condition would the nurse cite as a common cause of infection-related deaths in the elderly?
A) Pyelonephritis
B) Cellulitis
C) Pneumonia
D) Meningitis

C) Pneumonia


A nurse obtains an APGAR score on a newborn after the first minute of life. The score was 6 out of 10. What would be the nurse's NEXT intervention?

A. Perform the assessment again in 5 minutes

B. Send them immediately to the NICU

C. Begin resuscitation 

D. This result prompts no action

A. Perform the assessment again in 5 minutes


What is to be considered by the nurse for a culturally competent interview? select all that apply?

A. Touch

B. Hair color

C. Communication style

D. Space

E. Eye Contact

B, C, D, E


A nurse is preparing to give some morphine to a patient. He gently declines, stating, "He does not want anything to alter his consciousness." The nurse should identify his statement is best reflective of what religion.
A)Islamic Faith
B) Hinduism
D) Christianity



What should a nurse do to encourage communication with an adolescent during an assessment interview? Select all the apply.

A. Provide privacy

B.  talk in simple terms

C. allow them to be involved in the discussion

D. make sure their parent is present

E. provide health teaching

A, C, E


A nurse is having difficulty getting a 14-year-old child to ìopen upî during the health interview. What strategy is most likely to enhance the nurse's communication with this child?
A) Give the child some control over the course and content of the interview.
B) Teach the child about the negative consequences of an inadequate interview.
C) Arrange for one of the child's parents to speak with him or her privately.
D) Promise the child a reward for participating in the interview.

A) Give the child some control over the course and content of the interview.


What are the characteristics of a culture (select all that apply)?

A. Learned
B. Shared
C. Not Learned
D. Set of Values
E. Personal beliefs

A, B, D


What are some characteristics of Christianity? Select all that apply.

A. Belief in God

B. Religious practices based on the Bible

C. can not eat pork

D. Must pray 5x a times a day facing the holy city of Mecca

A, B


What changes occur in an older adult? Select all that apply.

A. Hearing Loss

B. Improved wound healing

C. Changes in Vision

D. Increased sense of smell

A, C


What changes can occur in a childbearing woman? Select all that apply.

A. Edema in the ankles

B. Tingling sensations in breasts

C. Hyperpigmentation of the face, neck, or nipples

D. expression of milk in first trimester

A, B, C