What is First Aid
Hurry Cases
Hurry Cases PT.2
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What are the 3 W’s when talking to a official on 911 line? 

Who, what, and where?


What are some protective measures when doing First Aid?

Wearing latex gloves, eye protection, wash hands with hot water and soap after treating a victim, using antiseptic wipes. Treat all blood as though it has germs that can make you sick. 


What is a defibrillation?

A electrical charge you give to restart someone‘s heart


Are hurry cases serious?

Yes, they are Very Serious


What are the 3 C’s?

Check the area. Call 911. Care for the victim


When do you Call 911?

When there is a hurry case, a car accident, house fire, etc.
Important things not just a scrape on the knee.


What are the 5 Hurry Cases?

Serious Bleeding, Sudden Cardiac Arrest or Heart Attack, Stopped Breathing, Stroke, and Poisoning.


Say someone has a stroke. What do you do in this situation?

A) Start doing CPR

B) Freak out and run away

C) Call 911

C) Call 911


What is rescue breathing?

You seal your mouth over their’s and blow to fill the lungs. After two rescue breaths, check to see if the person is breathing.


What information do you give to 911 once you get ahold of them?

The 3 W’s. Who, Your name. Where, Where you are. What, What the situation is. Don’t hang up until the operator tells you too. 


How do you help someone who has been poisoned?

Use the 3 C’s. Call 911 or National Poison Help Line 800-222-1222. If you know the poison tell them. Move the poison victim into a safe space.


How do you recognize when someone has a stroke?

Remember the acronym FAST. Face drooping, Arm Weakness, Speech Difficult, Time to call for help.


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What is a Stroke?

When the blood supply is cut off in the brain


What is the difference between a First Responder and First Aid?

A First Responder is someone who is first arriving, professionally, at the acciden scene. First Aid is something you do to help people at any time.


How do you help someone who is bleeding severally?

Use the 3 C’s. Call 911. Then, try to slow/stop the blood as much as possible. Use something like your shirt or gauze pads. 


What do you do when someone has stopped breathing?

Make sure their airway is open, check for breathing, then give two rescue breaths. 


Introduction to First Aid!

Now its time to see what you’ve learned. Lets play Jeopardy.


What is CPR?

Pushing on the chest to try to restart the heart.


What is the Boy Scout motto and how does it apply to First Aid?

Be Prepared. An accident can happen at anytime, have a First Aid kit when camping, hiking, driving, and other activities. 


How do you help someone who has a Sudden Cardiac Arrest?

Use the 3 C’s. Call 911. If you are trained in CPR, start doing it.


When are times to call 911? Why did you choose the anwser?

A) A serious/deep cut

B) A broken leg

C) A really bad headache

A) A serious/deep cut