All students enrolled in JAG are apart of what association
What is JAG career association
A skill you do everyday in JAG
What are competencies
What should you do after participating in a job interview?
What is Send a follow up letter
A document that gives your potential employer a feel of your past experiences and skills.
What is a resume?
What is the JAG theme for the year?
Each JAG student must complete 15 hours of this per academic year
What is community service
The meaning behind JAG
What is Jobs for American's Graduates
Before going into a job interview, you should...
You should complete this document in blue or blank ink, type if possible. no pencil or mixing ink colors.
What is the correct way to complete a job application?
Non-profit organization, club, student led organization, and a class.
What is JAG?
What are the JAG career association officers?
Leadership Development, Career Development, Social Awareness, Civic Awareness and Community Service, and President
A greeting learned in JAG
What is GNAP?
A person who can and will vouch for someone's capabilities, skills, and sustainability in for a job
What is a reference?
What a person thinks is good and important to them
What are values
A visual presentation of our goals
A vision board
The acronym for "GNAP"
What is greetings, name, affiliation, and purpose?
willing to work hard, positive attitude, commitment, good listener, and the ability to empower others
What are characteristics of a good leader?
A common mistake when choosing a career
What is not aware of all options and chooses career for money
Clusters of occupations/mixture of different jobs.
What is a career cluster?
The "R" in Smart Goals
What is relevant
Something long term and you have a passion for
What is a career
Things we want to achieve in life
What are goals
Should be included on a job resume
What is name. contact information, references, recommendations, past experience, age, education, and documentation/certification
A document that consist of proof of your abilities, experience, skills, and work ethics.
What is a letter of recommendation?
An obstacle or delay in your goal
What are barriers