Demonstrating Empathy
Self Care, Self Love
Love Languages
Love Songs

Your friend's pet zebra died.

Pretty easy to demonstrate empathy with such a black and white situation.


Everyone in the group go grab a tasty snack and treat yourself. SELF CARE. Not the other group though. This isn't your question.

Okay everybody in the other group go get a tasty snack. We love self care.


If you're friend is always trying to hang out with you then this might be their love language.

What is quality time?


Everyone in the group must stand up and say "I am a dope af."

Hell yea yall are.


This artist isn't the original singer for this song (It's actually Dolly Parton), but she made I Will Always Love You hers with some unbeatable vocals. 

Who is Whitney Houston?


Your friend got dumped by someone and lowkey it's their fault and they were kinda acting up during the relationship, but they're still your homie.

Yea man I feel bad for you and maybe next time don't make them watch 8 hours of videos about the Alaskan Triangle. It's kinda freaky.


Each member of the group must name a part of their daily routine that they feel like is good for them.

Wow look at all of yall taking time out of your day to take care of you.


Provide examples of how you can demonstrate love to someone whose love language is acts of service.

Such great examples. You guys really did a great job there. Or maybe you got it wrong and I assumed wrong. Better luck next time in that case.


Someone in your group must say one nice thing about one of the group leaders.

Oh stop. You're too kind.


Fill in the blank. "Wise men say only _____ rush in."

Who are fools? But they just can't help falling in love.

You are out with friends and are out past the time you were supposed to come home, but only by five minutes. When you get home your mom is livid. How can you show her some empathy?

She was just worried sick about you.


Everyone in the group must get up and do a stretch for thirty seconds.

Oh yea we love exercise. Gets those happy chemicals in the brain flowing.


One member of your group must describe what love language they vibe with most and how someone could show them that love language.

Wow thanks for sharing. I hope someone was taking notes so they can effectively show that they care about you.


One person in the group must say one nice thing about everyone else in their group. (Cannot use the same thing twice and must be approved by the group leader)

Well I'm sure you just made their day.


This rapper has a beach house he can sell you in Idaho according to this 2012 song of his. (Name the song for a bonus 100)

Who is Frank Ocean (Bonus 100 Thinkin Bout You)


You play on a football team and you are the QB. Your team is down 2 points and you get the ball close enough to kick a field goal with 2 seconds on the clock. Your kicker misses it wide right. How can you show him empathy?

At least it wasn't a doink, or worse... the double doink...


Someone in the group must get up and teach the whole group how to do something that most people may not know how to do.

Woa there. Look at you teaching all these folks a new skill. Feels good to learn new things huh? 


Drake and Josh are good pals. They do everything together. You can often find them hanging out, buying gifts for each other, gassing one another up and even helping each other with errands. Eloy goes to Luis one day and says that he feels like something is missing. What love language could possibly be missing?

What is physical touch? HUG ME BROTHER


Each member of the group must say 5 things they like about themselves. (Group leaders must approve of the things for them to count)

I mean let's be honest we could have listed things for days.


This rapper might be big for hating on another rapper at the moment, but let's not forget that in his song i he proclaims, "I LOVE MYSELF!"

Who is Kendrick Lamar? 


One group member has to pick a person they really don't like and give them empathy in some way shape or form.

You go you. Way to be the bigger person.


One member of the group must list 20 things they do in their life that are good for self care. (Group leader must approve)

Look at that. You do so much for yourself, but you could probably do even more.


Someone in your group must pick a person they don't always get along with well, and still care about. Now they describe what they feel like that person's love language is and how they can better show that person love.

We love a good 'ole love hate relationship. But now that you've analyzed yall can make it a just love relationship.


Someone from your group must get up in front of the group and give a 2 minute speech about something that makes them cool. (Any pause longer than 15 seconds will cause the team to not win the points)

Wow dude. You are super cool. Glad you're here hanging out with us.


If you're in need of a spelling lesson, Nat King Cole is your guy with his song L-O-V-E. In this tune he makes the letters of love stand for different things. Name one of those things for full points. 100 bonus points each if you can list what anymore of them stand for.

L is for the way you look at me.

O is for the only one I see.

V is very very EXTRAordinary.

E is even more than anyone that you adore can.

Nate you just have a way with words you rascal.