July Holiday Fun
Bite Me
Corporate America
Holidays not as important as Michael's Birthday

This film is about the fall of Anakin Skywalker and his transformation into Darth Vader, as well as the Galactic Republic's overthrow by the Galactic Empire.

What is Star Wars: Episode III? 


This holiday dates back to 1776 and was approved by the continental congress. 

What is Independence Day? 


Meat product made of finely chopped and seasoned meat, which may be fresh, smoked, or pickled and which is then usually stuffed into a casing. 

What is a sausage? 

Carolyn Davidson was paid only $35 to design its logo and since 1988, a 3-word ad slogan and a jumping man silhouette have became synonymous with this company? 

What is Nike 


The idea for this holiday came from union leader Peter McGuire.

What is Labour Day? 


This show follows a lone bounty hunter who protects a Force-sensitive child, Grogu, from Imperial forces in the outer reaches of the galaxy, far from the New Republic's authority.

What is The Mandalorian? 


The third Sunday in July is a day when we celebrate I scream, you scream and we all scream 

What is Ice Cream? 


A dish made by boiling or steaming then mashing. Then adding milk, butter, salt and pepper. 

What is mashed potatoes? 

In 2010, Isaiah Mustafa made headlines as “The Man Your Man Could Smell Like” in an ad for this brand of grooming products.

What is Old Spice? 


A feast symbolizing peace and goodwill between their cultures

What is Thanksgiving? 


This show follows the exploits of a bumbling, yet volatile secret agent and his dysfunctional colleagues. 

What is Archer? 


July 14th is a day when we celebrate this type of tool typically used to measure distance or size. 

What is a measuring tape? 


Typically free-standing with a firm pastry base consisting of dough made of flour, thick filling, and perpendicular sides, covered with fruit on top 

What is a fruit tart? 


The no. 1 spot went to this fruity tech giant that became the first public company to be valued at over $1 trillion in 2018.

What is Apple? 


That Monday you get off in late January is for his birthday.

Who is Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.?


This show explored the conflict between the Republic and the Separatists, the former fighting with clone troopers and Jedi and the latter fighting with droids and dark side wielders.

What is Clone Wars? 


Someones gotta win and celebrate this game of chance operated by the state government

What is National Lottery Day? 

Hot, spicy flavour packed into crunchy, cheesy snacks.

What is Cheetos Flamin Hot Crunchy? 

Allegedly the recipe for this drink is kept as two halves in safe deposit boxes in two separate Dallas banks.

What is Dr. Pepper? 


The date for this day comes from the armistice that ended World War I.

What is Veterans’ Day?


The story of Shawn Spencer, the son of a police detective who used everything his father taught him to become a very good private investigator.

What is Psych? 

July 9th is the national day for this type of cookie that was once made primarily during the Christmas season but now are a year round favourite. 

What is Sugar Cookie? 


Known for its buttery, salty smell and flavour, crunchy bite, and large portions.

What is movie theatre popcorn? 


Most models of this brand are named after bulls or bullfighting.

What is Lamborghini?  


Of all the federal holidays, it’s the one that honors the oldest event historically.

What is Christmas?