Living Things and their Environment
Earth and Space
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What is the science word for an animal that HUNTS other animals?
What is Predator?
What is the Science word for the length of time it takes the Earth to revolve around the sun?
What is a year or 365 days?
What is the science word for changes in the shape and form some organisms go through during their life cycle?
What is metamorphosis?
What is the science word for the type of energy the sun provides?
What is Solar?

What is the bottom layer of soil, which is made up of solid rock?

What is bedrock?

What is the Science word for an animal that eats both plants and animals?
What is an Omnivore?
What is the science word for a large-slow moving sheet of ice?
What is a glacier?

What is the science word for the seasonal movement of animals from one place to another?

What is migration?


What is the science word for major cause of Weathering and Erosion?

What is moving water?


What is the Science word for an object that allows electricity to flow through easily?

What is a conductor?

What is the Science word for a species of animal that is no longer living on Earth?
What is extinct?
What is the science word for changing views of the moon that we see on Earth?
What is Moon Phases?
What is the science word for a process by which an organism slows its life functions for an extended period of time to preserve energy or resist harsh conditions?
What is hibernation?

What is the Science word for the cause of day and night on Earth?

What is the rotation of Earth on its axis?


What is the science word for a group of stars that form a pattern in the sky?

What is a constellation?

What is the science word for an organism that breaks down the remains of dead plants and animals?
What is a decomposer?
What is the science word for the process of breaking down rocks?
What is Weathering?

What is the interaction of all living and nonliving things in a specific area?

What is an ecosystem?

What is the science word for what happens when Earth's plates grind past each other and form a fault?
What is an Earthquake?

What is the average weather of a region over a long period of time?

What is climate?

What is the science word for an organism that makes its own food?
What is a producer?
What is the Science word for the process in which small pieces of rocks and soil are carried away to new locations?
What is erosion?

What is the science word for an inherited characteristic that provides a specific advantage to individuals that have it?

What is adaptation?


What is the science word for the dropping off of sediment by water, wind or ice?

What is deposition?


What is the Science word for resources that cannot be replaced by natural processes within a lifetime?

What are Nonrenewable Resources?