Number of books in the Bible (Old and New Testaments).
What is 66?
Meaning of the name Bible.
What is book?
This doctrine about the Bible is found in 2 Timothy 3:16 and 2 Peter 1:21.
What is inspiration?
Original languages that the Bible was written in (need both.)
What is Hebrew and Greek?
Community of people that preserved the Old Testament.
What is Jewish Communities?
Number of authors that wrote the Bible.
What is over 40?
A binding commitment between two parties to fulfill certain promises.
What is a covenant?
What is inerrancy?
The name of the first English Bible.
What is the Wycliffe Bible?
Number of variants that change orthodox Christian beliefs.
What is none?
Number of years it took to write the Bible.
What is 1,500 years?
Free from error.
What is inerrancy?
1 Peter 2:2 gives us this reason for reading the Bible.
What is it is essential to our growth?
Number of English Bible translations.
What is over 100?
Rough estimate of number of manuscripts we have today.
What is 5,100?
Term used to refer to the two major covenants that form the heart of both parts of the Bible.
What is testament?
The Bible is God's Word, breathed into human authors, who in turn composed written texts.
What is inspiration?
Verse that confirms that the Holy Spirit inspired Scripture.
What is John 16:13?
What is the Latin Vulgate?
What is <1%?
Two other words used in the New Testament to refer to the Bible (must have both).
What is The Writings or The Scriptures?
A difference between texts (spelling errors, repeating words on accident, etc.).
What is a variant?
Old Testament passage that promises a new covenant.
What is Jeremiah 31:31-33
Type of translation that tries to reproduce original words and word order as closely as possible.
What is formal equivalence? (also acceptable: word-for-word)
Names of the men who added in chapters and verses. (Only need one)
Who is Steven Langton or Robert Stephanus?