Education for Who?
Reflecting on the Education Debt...
Reflecting on "Public Goods, Private Goods"...

What group of students were sent to residential schools and continue to be impacted by their legacy?

Indigenous Americans.


Who is the author of "From the Achievement Gap to the Education Debt: Understanding Achievement in U.S. Schools?"

Dr. Gloria Ladson-Billings.


Who is the author of "Public Goods, Private Goods: the American Struggle Over Educational Goals?"

David F. Labaree


What is your creative engagement project going to be about?

Any answer works, so long as you can give a little bit of detail about your creative engagement project!


African American Students are, on average, three times more likely to test into gifted programs when they are taught by what race of teacher?

African American teachers.


What is the difference between debt and deficit?

The deficit is a term that refers to the total amount the government spent in a single fiscal year. Debt describes the accumulation of all past deficits.


What are "Three Defining Goals for American Education" that Labaree describes?

Democratic equality, social efficiency, and social mobility.


Who are the teachers in this class?

You, Dr. Warren-Grice, the textbook, and your classmates.


What are Freedman Schools?

Freedman Schools were created to educate freed men after the abolition of slavery. The American Missionary Association formed one of the first of these schools in Virginia in 1861.


Name at least two of the four types of education debt.

Historical, economic, sociopolitical, and moral debt.


What is the Social Mobility Goal?

The social mobility goal asserts that the goal of education is to give people the tools to get ahead in American society.


What is intersectionality?

Intersectionality, a term and concept coined by Dr. Kimberlé Crenshaw, describes how different forms of identity intersect to create unique identities. For example, a Black woman experiences the world in a way that is different from other women AND black men.


TRUE OR FALSE: Italian Americans, before the mid-twentieth century, tended to prioritize their education over finding work. 

FALSE! Given the lack of widely available higher education facilities in Italy and the difficult economic situation many Italian American immigrants found themselves in, most Italian-Americans reported that they focused more on acquiring a job than on getting an education. This changed during the late twentieth century.


Why we must address the debt, in your words.

Any answer that responds to the question works here. For reference, Ladson-Billings gives us three main reasons we must address the education debt: "(a) the impact the debt has on present education progress, (b) the value of understanding the debt in relation to past education research findings, and (c) the potential for forging a better educational future" (Ladson-Billings 9).


What is, as Labaree describes, "the single best explanation for the founding and early diffusion of common schools in the country" (Labaree 44)?

Common schools were founded to create a national American identity during the early days of the United States of America. This falls under the democratic equality goal.


What is something new you have learned from an assigned reading for this class in the last few weeks?

What is something you have learned? Speaking for myself, I learned more about how multidisciplinary Indigenous educational practices were prior to education.


The California State Supreme Court case Ward v. Flood (1874) ruled that WHAT factor could not be used to deny children an education?

The court decided that RACE could not be used as a factor to deny children an education. However, the case determined that children could be segregated into different schools, so long as the quality of education was (hypothetically) equal.


What is the definition of moral debt?

Moral debt is the accumulation of what we owe the people whose work and loss the current education system is built on. For example, the Indigenous people whose land schools are built on.


What do you think the primary goal of the education system should be? Give both a reason you think your goal is good, AND respond to a hypothetical issue with your goal.

The answer you give should be specific and personal. As long as you answer all parts of the questions, you get credit!

What is at least one thing you have noticed while practicing the art of noticing?

What is something you have noticed? Anything thoughtful counts for this question :)