Word Usage
Complete the sentence

“Noises from traffic, jet engines, barking dogs, and car radius, to name a few, are among the audible litter that is routinely broadcast into the air.” The word routinely in the passage is closest in meaning to: A. Regularly, B. Accidentally, C. Recently, D. Unfortunately.

What is A. Regularly?


Prohibit, forbid – with B

What is ban?


Make an inference from, “High levels of serum cholesterol used to be thought of as a problem only for adults.” A. High levels of serum cholesterol are no longer a problem for adults, B. Only children have a problem with high levels of serum cholesterol, C. High serum cholesterol affects both adults and children.

What is C. High serum cholesterol affects both adults and children?


Other words for, “a handful”

What is a few or a small number?


Complete the sentence, “Tomorrow, we’ll ___ to the park,” using the verb go.

What is go?


"Another is the increasing volume of road, rail, and air traffic. Some people would add to this list a diminishing sense of civility and a growing disrespect for the rights of others." The phrase this list in the passage refers to a list of: A. Types of noise pollution, B. Factors that explain why noise pollution is getting worse, C. Activities that are associated with life in the city, D. Methods of transportation

What is B. Factors that explain why noise pollution is getting worse?


(1) Inquisitive, fascinated, or (2) odd, strange, unusual – with C

What is curious?


Make an inference from, “Jack London spent only a year prospecting for gold in Alaska. However, nearly half of his forty books are set there.” A. London was successful in his search for gold in Alaska, B. Although London worked in Alaska for only a short time, he wrote almost twenty books while he lived there, C. London’s experiences in Alaska had a strong influence on his writing.

What is C. London’s experiences in Alaska had a strong influence on his writing?


Other words for "transparent"

What is see-through or clear?


Complete the sentence, “We ______ about stars tomorrow,” using the verb learn.

What is will learn?


“In the past, biologists considered mushrooms and other fungi a type of non-green plants. Today, however, these organisms are commonly regarded as a separate kingdom of living things.” What does these organisms refer to?

What is mushrooms and other fungi?


Mild, warm – with B

What is balmy?


Make an inference from, “Although sheep herding is an older and more beloved occupation, shepherds never caught the attention of filmmakers the way cowboys did.” A. There have been more films about cowboys than about shepherds, B. Films about shepherds are older and more beloved than films about cowboys, C. Cowboys are generally younger than shepherds.

What is A. There have been more films about cowboys than about shepherds?


Other words for “cluster”

What is group or mass?


Complete the sentence, “She ___ him yesterday,” using the verb see.

What is saw?

“(…) that computer games attracted millions of game-players. The first to make a splash was Pong (Atari, 1972).” The author uses the expression “make a splash” to indicate that the game Pong: A. Failed when it first appeared, B. Had a big impact, C. Was technologically advanced, D. Was difficult to play.

What is B. Had a big impact?


Expand rapidly, grow quickly – with M

What is mushroom?


Make an inference from, “In all cultures, gestures are used as a form of communication, but the same gestures may have very different meanings in different countries.” A. No two cultures use the same gestures, B. One gesture almost never has the same meaning in two cultures, C. A person from one culture may misunderstand the gestures used by a person from another.

What is C. A person from one culture may misunderstand the gestures used by a person from another?


Other words for “skittish”

What is fearful, weary, easily frightened?


Complete the sentence, “The spaceship _____ in 2025,” using the verb fly.

What is will fly?


Summarize the following sentence: “Though we can measure individual sounds that may actually damage human hearing, it is difficult to monitor cumulative exposure to noise or to determine just how much noise is too much.” A. It’s hard to monitor cumulative exposure to sound because it is difficult to measure individual sounds, B. The louder the sound, the more difficult it is to measure, C. Individual sounds can be measured, but not the effects of long-term exposure to noise, and it’s hard to say what level of sound is safe, D. Individual sounds are not usually very damaging to human hearing, but multiple sounds that occur at the same time can be very harmful.

What is C. Individual sounds can be measured, but not the effects of long-term exposure to noise, and it’s hard to say what level of sound is safe


Slow, listless, lazy, lethargic – with S

What is sluggish?


Make an inference from, “Even spiders that do not build webs form silk use it for a variety of purposes, such as constructing egg sacs and nursery tents.” A. All spiders build webs, B. Spiders that build webs don’t build egg sacs or nursery tents, C. Silk is used by all spiders.

What is C. Silk is used by all spiders?


Other words for “liable”

What is responsible or accountable?


Complete the sentence, “The keys ______ by him,” using the verb take.

What is were taken?