Getting a pencil from the classroom.
What is hand signal, put dull one in the correct cup, grab a sharp pencil from the basket.
Always have your # pencil as a backup.
Rule #5
Student Spaces
Desk, cubby, filer, shared supplies, library
Laptop expectations
Class Class
Yes Yes
Using the restroom
Go during a transition (between learning, snack, recess, lunch)
Do not bring anything with you.
Tell the teacher.Use a hand signal.
Rule #4
Make smart choices
Teacher Spaces
My desk, cabinets, band closet, drawers (except 2)
Good behavior as a whole class, earn marbles. Breaking expectations lose marbles.
Win a class reward when box is empty.
Water Bottles
Stay outside, use at snack, lunch, recess, PE. Use a hand signal. Do not ask for water during a lesson.
Listen to directions, push in your chair, walk, line up, be quiet
Rule #3
Always do your best
If you or a classmate breaks make a bad choice what may happen?
Take a break, bench, 4th/1st grade, call home, Mr. Rempfer
Explain Reynolds Rewards
Individual rewards for modeling class expectations.
Reynolds rewards can get taken away for breaking expectations (ie blurting out and making poor choices)
Quarterly auction
Look at them, make eye contact, follow around the room as they move, be silent
Any time you enter the classroom
walk, quietly find your seat, do not stop at a friends desk
Rule #2
Raise your hand for permission to speak
Recess Procedure
Have fun, be inclusive, listen to the teachers, sportsmanship, do not argue, ask to get a ball from preschool
Phones in school
Do not bring it. If you do, hand it in to the teacher until pick up
Classroom Jobs
Weekly Helper (prayer, pledge, chapel leader, reminds me attendance, change memory verse)
Librarians (clean library, use table in back)
Cleaners (when there is time, I will assign)
CORRECT procedure when entering the classroom in the morning?
1. Hang up your backpack/water bottle.
2. Read the directions of the screen.
3. Write in your planner.
4. Work at the task at your desk.
5. Silent read when you finish.
Rule #1
Follow Directions Quickly
End of the day routine
Quietly take out planner/green folder, highlight homework for tonight, wait for Ms. R to star it off. Check the filer for papers, get backpack/lunch/water, pack up quietly in the room, remain seated at your desk, remain seated in grass (not standing up)
Explain the 6th grade band transition
Put away instruments/supplies, look at white board for learning supplies needed in 6th grade, silently line up at the lanai fence, walk to restrooms, put stuff on bench, use bathroom, line up by 8th grade
Ways to keep our classroom a happy place
Ask new people to sit by or play with you, include others, sportsmanship, raise your hand, say compliments, pray for others, RESPECT, many more