What's My Name?
3 Types
The Cycle and Characteristics
What rock has a glassy surface, is formed when lava cools very quickly, and is used to make arrow heads?
What is obsidian?
What are the three main types of rocks?
What is igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic?
Sandstone is a sedimentary rock, but it can change into what metamorphic rock?
What is quartzite?
What is the characteristic of a rock with holes in it?
What is gas bubbles?
What is the most common igneous rock?
What is basalt?
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ is a rock with visible fossils.
What is limestone?
What forms a sedimentary rock?
What is small particles of sand, shells, pebbles, and other fragments of materials being hardened together into layers of rock over time?
What processes can transform magma into granite, granite into sand, and sand into sandstone? A. Cooling; weathering and erosion; compacting and cementing B. Melting; heat and pressure; cooling C. Weathering and erosion; compacting and cementing; cooling D. Weathering and erosion; compacting and cementing; heat and pressure
What is A. Cooling; weathering and erosion; compacting and cementing?
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __, __ __ __ __ __ __ __, and __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ and __ __ __ __ __ __ __ are the three processes that can happen to a sedimentary rock.
What is metamorphoses, melting, and weathering and erosion?
Name two things that can be different about a metamorphic rock from its original rock.
What is color, hardness, or smoothness? (must have at least two out of three)
What is the name of a metamorphic rock that is gray, green, or bluish and can be easily broken into smooth, flat pieces?
What is slate?
Where and how are metamorphic rocks formed?
What is formed under the surface of the earth due to heat and pressure?
What was marble before it was a metamorphic rock? (Hint: a sedimentary rock)
What is limestone?
What temperature range does it take to melt rock?
What is 600°C to 1300°C?
True or False: A rock can be created and/or destroyed.
What is false?
What is the name of a rock that is sedimentary, with visible sand and pebbles, which forms when pebbles, stones, and small particles are pressed together?
What is conglomerate?
What are the two types of igneous rocks and how are they formed?
What is extrusive and intrusive igneous rock, extrusive rock is formed outside of the earth's crust when magma cools, and intrusive rock is formed inside the earth's crust when magma cools?
What series of geologic processes transform sandstone into quartzite, quartzite into magma, and magma into rhyolite? Pick the correct three processes and put them in order. (Hint: these are the choices: heat and pressure, melting, cooling, weathering and erosion, and compacting and cementing.)
What is heat and pressure; melting; cooling?
What special characteristic does marble have?
What is crystals?
What century was the modern rock cycle invented in?
What is the 18th Century?
What is the name of a rock that is metamorphic, with ribbon-like layers, and is found on mountainsides?
What is gneiss?
What are the three types of sedimentary rock?
What is clastic, chemically formed, and organically formed?
An intrusive rock is a rock that forms below the earth's crust. What are two minerals that can form in an intrusive rock?
What is diamonds and quartz?
Put these words in order of the rock cycle, starting with magma: weathering and erosion, sedimentary rock, melting, lithification, sediments, metamorphoses, igneous rock, cooling, metamorphic rock.
What is magma, cooling, igneous rock, weathering and erosion, sediments, lithification, sedimentary rock, metamorphoses, metamorphic rock, melting.
Who came up with the modern rock cycle?
What is James Hutton?