Impaled vocab
What is the definition of impaled
Being pierced by a object.
If you are impaled in the stomach what is the level of severity.
High severity very bad.
Do you remove an object if you are impaled.
No, it blocks blood lose
what is a tourniquet.
A item that stops all blood flow to a leg or arm.
If impaled in the outside thigh what is the level of severity.
medium to serve depending on depth.
How do you apply a tourniquet
A strap that you tie around a limb and tighten until blood stops leaking out of the body.
What is a artery
If you stab in the forearm how severe is it.
low to medium.
If a stick is impaled into your arm what should you do.
Support your arm, don't move your arm, Clean around the wound, apply pressure.