School Edition
Social Interactions
Family Gatherings
Cops Edition
Job Interviews

Uh Oh.. You get called up to present.

1. Leave class.

2. Crash out.

3. Be calm and collective.

3. Be calm and collective.


You stutter in front of someone.

1. Crash out.

2. Move on with your conversation.

3. Shoot up the area.

2. Move on with your conversation.


Your grandpa asks you about college.

1. Be Truthful

2. Lie and say you're rich and famous.

3. Crash Out and RUNN.

1. Be Truthful


Well, funny enough. The cop asks you for license and registration.

1. Zoom off.

2. Give said items.

3. Blast music in his face.

2. Give said items.


You get asked what your hobbies are?

1. Lie and say you're amazing at something you aren't.

2. Be honest and give an answer truthfully.

3. Stare blankly at them until they move onto a different question.

2. Be honest and give an answer truthfully.


You get caught cheating on a quiz!

1. You lie and say "Nuh uh miss..I didn't cheat."

2. You rush out with paper in hand and never come back.

3. You admit to cheating on said quiz. (impossible.)

3. You admit to cheating on said quiz. (impossible.)


Someone waves at you! Oh, they approached the person behind you.

1. Move on from the situation. (like any normal being)

2. Crash out and approach them.

3. Crash out peacefully in the solitude of your home.

1. Move on from the situation. (like any normal being)


You're taking a family photo but you don't know where to stand.

1. Off to the side.

2. In the middle (blocking everyone else)

3. Next to a family member you just spoke to so it's not awkward at all. (totally)

3. Next to a family member you just spoke to so it's not awkward at all. (totally)


The cops have taken you in for chat in their office.

1. Follow them inside the office and have a seat.

2. Sit down with another worker and chat.

3. Run out of the office with donuts and free coffee.

1. Follow them inside the office and have a seat.


You're asked why you want the job.

1. Say that you're desperate for money.

2. Cough and glance awkwardly to the side.

3. Explain why you DO want the job and not just for the money.

3. Explain why you DO want the job and not just for the money.


You get paired up in groups. What do you do?

1. Be a good sport and do your work. (yes...YOU)

2. Stare at the empty slide the entire period.

3. Crash out because it's due RIGHT NOW!

1. Be a good sport and do your work. (yes...YOU)


You're at dinner with your date but you forgot your wallet! ;(

1. Awkwardly excuse yourself and RUN out of the restaurant.

2. Awkwardly ask the dreading question. "Hey, I don't have my wallet...can you pay for dinner tonight?"

3. Tell your date last minute to cancel.

2. Awkwardly ask the dreading question. "Hey, I don't have my wallet...can you pay for dinner tonight?"

3. Tell your date last minute to cancel.


You got a gift! Your aunt approaches you and asks if you like the gift? (what she didn't know is that you didn't even open it yet, silly)

1. Lie and say it's amazing!

2. Slowly turn away and rush off to another room.

3. Awkwardly laugh and say "HAHA..I'll open it soon."

1. Lie and say it's amazing!


You're waiting patiently in a room alone...The door is unlocked but there's a guard guarding a few doors away. What do you do? 

1. Leave and rush past the guard with incredible speed. (Ok, calm down "Flash")

2. Stay inside...only if you get to have your phone.

3. Leave the room NOT through the door but by digging a hole out the building.

2. Stay inside...only if you get to have your phone.


You get asked when and what days you could work? How do you answer responsibly?

1. *snaps fingers* Anytimeeeee!

2. Shrug and say in a monotone voice "Whenever."

3. Take a breathe in and explain that you are willing to work with what they offer.

3. Take a breathe in and explain that you are willing to work with what they offer.


You're giving a speech at the assembly. How will you rile up the audience?

1. Stare intensely at the audience while giving your speech.

2. Give up and throw the mic down. (Mic Drop, literally)

3. Rehearse, Give Speech, Earn the Applause.

3. Rehearse, Give Speech, Earn the Applause.


You make eye contact with a stranger while standing in line at the bank.

1. Look away and cough loudly.

2. Stare back while you take out your check.

3. Look away and get your stuff over with. (silly goose)

3. Look away and get your stuff over with. (silly goose)


You're at a family Christmas party! Oh, everyone wore matching sweaters...where's yours? 

1. Run around the entire house before heading over to the party to find a sweater.

2. Arrive with an obnoxious Halloween costume and say "It's better late than never am I right..?"

3. Don't go.

1. Run around the entire house before heading over to the party to find a sweater.


You're on patrol and have to question people at the crime scene. How do you approach the scene?

1. Fly back in your car, while doing donuts and also causing another scene.

2. Calmly pull up and get out without a scratch.

3. Shoot up the area again.

2. Calmly pull up and get out without a scratch.


You got the job! They threw a celebration for you! What's the appropriate attire for this?

1. Pajamas and crocs.

2. Wild clothing overall.

3. Office/Casual Attire

3. Office/Casual Attire


You've been called to a parent-teacher conference. How do you handle this situation?

1. Go to the meeting...without your parents there.

2. Arrive at the said meeting early to trick your teacher into thinking that they're late. (very funny of you.)

3. Sit through it...with a lifespan of half a heart.

3. Sit through it...with a lifespan of half a heart.


You end a work call with accidentally saying "I love you." What do you do?

1. You sit on the call waiting for either one of you to hang up.

2. Hang up and stare out into the void of embarrassment.

3. Wait for the "I love you back."

2. Hang up and stare out into the void of embarrassment.


Oh lovely, the family is playing egg and spoon race!

1. Completely destroy the race egged everything.

2. Play the game and let a child win. (I know, how sweet of you.)

3. Win the race and cheer over crying children.

2. Play the game and let a child win. (I know, how sweet of you.)

3. Win the race and cheer over crying children.


It's a late night. You're at the office and heard commotion outside of the building. What do you do?

1. Stay inside and hide like a cowardly cop that you are.

2. Drop down from the rooftop and land in a bush because you're so sneaky.

3. Do anything but the first two choices.

3. Do anything but the first two choices.


"Who are you." How do you respond?

1. Don't say anything and just stare at them.

2. Cough and say "I'm...myself." and then smile.

3. Introduce yourself.

3. Introduce yourself