Important figures
The reconstruction era
The reconstruction era pt 2

Who lead the reconstruction and made it clear that he favored a lenient reconstruction party? As well as angered the Republican Party.

Abraham Lincoln


How long did the reconstruction era last?

Lasted 12 years, 1865-1877.


What led to the rise of Jim Crow laws and segregation?

The withdrawal of federal troops 


Who excluded high ranking confederates and wealthy land owners, gained control of congress in 1866, and caused the division of former confederate states unit five military districts during the reconstruction?

Andrew Johnson


What was the Reconstruction Era?

The reconstruction era was an important era in American history that followed the civil war.


When was Abraham Lincoln assassinated and why was this such a Life changing moment?

He was assassinated in 1865 and this was such an important moment because it elected Andrew Johnson to presidency changing many things.  


What group in congress pushed for the reconstruction acts causing the division of  south into military districts?

Radical Republicans 


What specific thing lead to the end of the reconstruction proccess ?

The compromise of 1877.


What came out of the Reconstruction Era?

Congress passed three constitutional amendments that permanently abolished slavery, defined birthright citizenship and guaranteed due process and equal protection under the law, and granted all males the ability to vote by prohibiting voter discrimination based on race, color, or previous condition


During this period, what group far-reached advances and faced brutal abuse from the Ku Kulx Klan?

African Americans 


What was President Abraham Lincolns Ten Percent Plan?

His Ten Percent Plan allowed Confederate states to establish new state governments after 10 percent of their male population took loyalty oaths and the states recognized the permanent freedom of formerly enslaved people.


Who ended the reconstruction process through instructing federal troops to be withdrawn from the south, after elected presidency?

Rutherford B. Hayes


What three amendments were very important during the reconstruction era?

13th amendment - abolished slavery in U.S, 14th amendment - equal protection and other rights, & the 15th amendment - grants the right to vote for all male citizens regardless of their ethnicity or prior slave status.