
How much is a New Patient Appointment with Invitation to Health & Chusa rate?

$55-$85 Depending on Therapies 


Steps to set up Therapy Station

-turn on ultrasound/EMSmachine (switch on back)

-wipe down tables 

-boot up therapy computer


How do you know if the time block is correct?

First number is amount of boxes vertically

Second number is how many boxes horizontally 


Can you use Invitation to Health with Health Insurance?

NO cannot use Inv to Health with federally funded insurance plans


Where do you find Leger Balance amounts?

Cheat sheet in top front desk drawers! 


How much is a New Patient Appointment WITH therapies and an adjustment?



What setting do you use on laser therapy?

plantar fasciitis


Best Way to create a new file for a new patient?

p - enter - first available blank account - ensure correct dr and empty notes - enter patient info 


Patient has question about billing or insurance submissions

Ask Kellyanne first - if she doesn't know EMAIL Renee with details and inform the patient we are elevating this to the head of the department and will be back with them ASAP


If patient is paying % of leger balance for adjustments, does this apply to X-Ray also? 

Yes! Collect respective percentage on X-Ray lgr bal


How much a reactivation WITH an adjustment and scans done?

$65 if no therapies!


What is the passwords for X-Ray computer?

same as username ! 

Steps to create a Super Bill? 

-pull up patient 


-Output type "To Screen"

- "I"


-Total Charge Only

-Select Correct Date

- Check first two boxes (include not processed transactions & already submitted transactions) 


Action steps for HMO patient?

-ask on initial phone call PPO or HMO

-scx a few days out

-get PCP info 

-contact PCP for referral 

-ensure we have it day before first visit


What if patient total exceeds their "collect up to" amount?

ONLY charge the max amount


What information do we need to sign up for CHUSA? 

-First and Last Name

-Date of Birth 


-Dependent Names

-Signed HIPPA 

-Consent to Communicate

-$49 on Credit Card or Check 


What is the Intro number for decompression settings?



You accidentally enter the wrong BC code in the bay while putting a patient on the table!

Tell the doctor, doc will remove them from Z list!


New patient shows up on time BUT no paperwork and/or needs referral/pre auth we were unaware of because they didn't give insurance info before hand

If they take more than 15 minutes to do paperwork, tell them we will do our best to fit them in but it is important we honor the appointments made by other patients. 

If need referral/pre auth, inform the immediately. Give options of CHUSA rates/cash rates/RX 


Patient out of network with specific Dr but in network with other?

-call to inform patient 

-offer them to see scx doc with CHUSA rates or RX with in network provider 

-note F5 with their answer 


What code do you put in the leger for CHUSA therapies?

Therapy codes wiht $0 charge!


Correct order to turn X-Ray machine On/Off?


-power supply unit turn on 

-X-Ray box turn on 

-Boot up computer 


-shut down computer

-turn off X-Ray box

-turn off power supply box 


How to clear out notes in patient file?

-go to correct chart 

-click massage looking button

-top right Edit SOAP (pen and pad icon)

-each date there are notes will pop up 

-click them individually and select entire thing & backspace it

-ensure correct note/date deleted 


New patient is LATE, other regular patients show up... 

Take regular patients back first

If doc grabs the NP first, interrupt "Hey Doc can I speak with you for a moment" so established patients can get the time slot they reserved! 


How do you update an INS box?

-click ins box in chart (red if something wrong - green if good to go) takes 5ever to load

-go to INS policy info tab

-complete info regarding patient relationship to subscriber, subscriber name & payer company

-go to policy info in bottom right of ins box 

-enter member ID and Group # 

- Claim filing indicator is 

      -BL is BCBS

      -Commercial Ins is everything else

      -Self Pay is CHUSA